Friday, November 30, 2007

A RARE look at a Political Debate...

I rarely blog about anything political. OK, I've actually NEVER blogged about anything political. But the clip below was sent to me in an email by a friend, and I thought it was cool. I am sure the moderator didn't intend an answer such as this...but it also begs the question "WHY?" I don't think they are honestly interested in this man's personal belief system. I really only think they are trying to break down the "religious quacks" from the worlds "normal" standard.
Watch the clip, and let me know what you think about it....

Let me state, I am in no way pushing my opinion of this man as a good choice for president. I actually have never heard of him! It's just an interesting video clip...

Thursday, November 29, 2007

FROM THE MOUTHS OF....BABES? Or really blunt 3 year olds!

At work, most of my day is spent sharing a bite of plastic fruit lovingly prepared for me by my students in the plastic kitchen playset of our classroom. I play along, because I know how hard they've slaved over this meal, and it will put a HUGE smile of pride on their sweet little faces. Well, imagine the smile on MY face after I had the following conversation with one of my students...we'll call her "Jane".

Jane: "Ms. Bawwett, herew you some food. Eat it!"

Me: "Oh, Thanks so much! How did you know I was so hungry?"

Jane: "EAT IT!"

Me: "OK...YUM!, Pizza is my favorite, and it goes so well with a piece of lettuce and....what is that? a cookie, or a doughnut?"

Jane looks carefully at the plate of scrumptious food she's brought to me.

Jane: "You bettur not eat that...YOU BE FAT!"


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Saturday, November 24, 2007

Christmas time is OFFICIALLY here!

Even though the retailers, and radio stations have been pushing Christmas for quite sometime now, there is only one thing that officially rings in the Christmas holiday season for us....When Mom goes shopping on BLACK FRIDAY and Dad and the kids stay home and put up the tree. It's tradition going 6 years strong now that Jonathan stays home and keeps kids, while I go out early in the morning and try to get as much Christmas shopping done as possible. What makes this year even more enjoyable is that I have a job, I get a paycheck, and I HAD CASH MONEY TO SPEND THIS YEAR! WOOOOO HOOOOOO! Hahaha!

After an exhausting, but wonderful day of time with all our family on Thanksgiving, it was out to weave in and out of the crowds of wacko's in Target, WalMart, and all the other stores. The bad news...I didn't arrive at Target in time to swipe one of the main gifts I was hunting for-The Hannah Montana Doll and her friends, Lilly and Oliver. It was a limited supply (what the crap!) at Target, and I've seen them on Ebay...but I'm not sure I can spend that much for the doll when it was only $30 to begin with. My Mom asked a salesman if they'd be getting in any more, and He said probably not since it was a limited edition doll set they did exclusively for Target.... BOOOOOO HOOOOOO! Oh well, maybe I'll one later in the year of 2008! But the good news is, I'm nearly done with my Christmas shopping! A few things here and there, and I will be ready to wrap it all up! The kids are sooooooo excited! I'm sooooo excited! Even Dad is in the Christmas spirit now-he refused to listen to any holiday songs, etc until AFTER Thanksgiving.

So we have the tree up, and decorated. Dad is putting the lights on the house today....and we are ready to start celebrating this wonderful time of year!


Tuesday, November 20, 2007


I found a web site today that gives random "facts" about an array of topics. You can visit the site by clicking HERE if you wish...but here a few facts I found today...

1. The first toilet being flushed in a motion picture was in the movie Psycho. (HEY! At least HE flushed!!!)

2.Most liquid laundry detergents are alive with living organisms that help to break down stains! (EWWW! KINDA SCARY!!!)

3.TIME Magazine’s “Man of the Year” in 1938 was Adolf Hitler. (WHAT?????)

4. In Tibet it is considered good manners to stick out your tongue at someone. (Great, that's all I excuse from my kids as to "why" they stick out their tongue. Let's keep this on the DOWN LOW!)

5. In many countries, urine was used as a detergent for washing. (OK...I'll stick with the living organisms in my detergent!)

6.Americans did not commonly use forks until after the Civil War. (OMG! How do you eat primarily with a spoon???)

7. Americans will spend more on cat food this year than baby food. (For some reason, this is not so surprising to me)

8. Up to the age of six or seven months a child can breathe and swallow at the same time. An adult cannot do this. (Hmmm, I never paid attention to this when my babies were that age, but I guess that makes sense. Ryan could always sug his bottles down so fast, and I always wondered if he was breathing!!!!!)

9.Snails breathe through their feet. (huh? I've never seen a snail with FEET)

10.40% of women have hurled footwear at a man. (OH, that's a shocker! I mean, we women LOVE SHOES, so they are plentiful!)

Let me know of your useless facts! My husband is full of them and I call him "Cliff Claven" know the mailman from the TV sitcom "Cheers" who knew little tidbits of EVERYTHING! Yep...I married him. But dinner...I can appear to KNOW IT ALL! LOL


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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Friday, November 09, 2007

To GirlScout, Or Not To GirlScout...

Ok, growing up, I never did a whole lot of "extra curricular" type of activities. The most "extra" I got was being a cheerleader for 2 years for South Roebuck Football. I loved being a cheerleader, but my mom says she got tired of seeing my frowning face and didn't sign me up after that. As I remember it, I was told I couldn't do it anymore because I was too old...funny how the truth comes out as we get older...haha. And to clear up that misconception of my "frowning" face...I specifically remember that it was always a Saturday Morning that we were cheering for a football game, and we had to stand with our back to the field, faces to the sun shining in our eyes and I was only "Frowning" to be able to see!!!!!!!!!!

Nuff Said 'bout that...

Anyhoo...Megan has been invited to join a Brownie Scout group. I'm thinking this may be a good thing for her. Most kids her age have long been involved in, gymnastics, cheernastics, softball, soccer, etc. I have never signed her up for anything because of one reason....MONEY$$$$$! There is a troop that meets at her school, which is really convienent since 1. I work there, 2. She goes to school there, and 3. I know the leader because she also teaches at the school. So we're thinking about it. There is not much to a matter of fact, the most expensive part will be to get her vest/patch starter at a $45 cost. I pay $10 a year in fees, $5 a month to the troop for "extras" (or something like that), and the best part is...GIRL SCOUT COOKIES!!!!!!!


Megan's gonna be a Girl Scout!

Seriously...we're talking to her about it. We've been having "sassy attitude" problems lately, and we've told her that this is something that she can EARN as a privelege if she get's her attitude in check and stops talking back, and start being a little more respectful. She's been working on it since Tuesday....yesterday was a good day (the other's not so much). We'll see how it goes. I really want her to do this, but I feel she needs to earn it, so hopefully this will be a little incentive.


(Mama really want's those Thin Mints!)

Wednesday, November 07, 2007


Yes, friends, it's that time of year again...the weather is doing a "John Kerry" flip flop and can't decide what Season it wants to be...Spring Temps of 70 degrees the first part of the week, Summer temps of 80 on an occasional day, Fall temps of the 60's here and there, and then here comes an ALABAMA COLD SNAP of lows being in the 30's, highs in the 50's and RUNNY NOSES, SCRATCHY THROATS, AND STOMACH FLU running rampid through all families! But don't worry, those cold temps never last long...we'll be experiencing SPRING again in a few days. No wonder we all stay so sick. We have the air conditioning on one day, smell the stinky heat coming on 2 days later, and the kids are swapping germs at school doing who knows what!

We've had the stomach bug...can u guess?

So, now I'm popping AIRBORNE! It's a wonderful little thing. I started getting the scratchy throat a couple of weeks ago and PRESTO! It's like magic! I was totally better the next day!

I think I'll buy stock in that product!

Here's a pic of my little one after he fell asleep last night for the second time. I say second time because the first time was interrupted by him getting sick in his bed. He only has one set of sheets for his bed, and I had to piece together a couple of different ones to be able to make his bed back up...thus the mismatch. But at least he felt better.....Let's hope it was the last of the stomach flu for us!

Monday, November 05, 2007

Like I didn't know already...

This was kind of fun...a "Look A Like Meter" from this website helps determine who your child looks like -Mother or Father...
Well, it's really obvious in our family that the "Daddy DNA" is prominent! But it's still fun.
Check out the results...


It's a TIE! They both look more like Dad...but only by 3% each! Haha, well, maybe I should upload some of Megan's "bald baby pictures"! Then it would be 100%!!

Friday, November 02, 2007


Usually I spend weeks ahead of time getting costumes ready for the kids. This year, Halloween snuck up on me, and I was pressured to get things together...which means most things are picked over and you get what's left! Megan had decided early on that she wanted to be a kitty...which was pretty easy to do. Black shirt and the kitty ears and a tail and we're set! Ryan on the other hand, flip flopped daily about what he wanted to be. At first he wanted to be SuperMan again...but I talked him out of that one since that was his costume of choice last year (he called himself "pooperman"! It was so cute!). I figured if he wanted to go the "hero" route, he could be Batman this year, and since Megan wanted to be a kitty, we could call her "Cat Woman". So off to the costume store we went and when Ryan saw her kitty ears and tail, he decided then that he wanted to be a doggy. OK...much cheaper to do, since the Batman costume was going to cost me no less than $20! We found a headband with doggy ears and a doggy nose that hung down the front of his face which was perfect because I wouldn't have to paint a nose on his face and have him rub it all off during the day. I couldn't find a white sweat suit that would have matched better with the headband, so we reluctantly went with black. I cut out felt circles and me being the cheap person I am, I didn't want to ruin the sweat suit that he could definitely use later, so I only stitched the spots on with one little stitch. Yeah, I did that at midnight the night before Halloween, so therefore my brain was already sleeping and I didn't think about the fact that the felt was not going to stay put with one stitch in the middle. By the end of the day, his sad little spots were limp and falling off. Oh least I didn't put too much money into his costume! He still thought he was a puppy, and even though Mommy wasn't very pleased with how his costume turned out...Ryan certainly was. I don't think Megan will want to be a kitty again...she got really tired of people stepping on her tail, or using it as a leash to guide her around. I will try to do a better job of planning ahead next year. I just didn't have it together this year with me working again.
So here are a few pics in the slide show below to show you how our Halloween turned out. Still memorable for everyone....