Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Internist VS "Doc In The Box"

So this weekend, after all the partying in the moonwalk and the crazy windy cool weather we had, I started coming down with a cold on Sunday. Started off with just the runny nose and big deal. By Monday, I had a wretched cough and by Monday night, my chest was hurting pretty bad. Chest pains indicated to me that I had to go be seen by a doctor. Now, bear in mind that I have never had a "doctor" other than my OB/GYN because I previously worked for pediatricians, and anytime I was sick, they were kind enough to see me and treat my symptoms. So, with officially being out of the work force for the last year, I had to find a doc. I don't really care to go to a "Doc In The Box" type of clinic (you know, Walk In's taken, new patients no problem...etc.). I tried to go to an Internist, but when I call, they can never see a "new sick patient" until days from now....and excuse me, but when one is sick, they need to see a doc immediately rather than a few days or weeks later! So, since I was unable to get in with a regular doc, I had to go to the nearest American Family Care Clinic....aka DOC IN THE BOX. I dunno how they get that name because it makes it sound quick and easy and it is anything but! I was there for nearly 2 hours, and I had to get blood drawn, chest x-rays and the normal vitals taken. The doc comes in and he is so soft spoken, I can barely hear him. After the chest X-rays and blood work comes back, he informs me I have Mycoplasma. "Myco-what???" I didn't know what that was and had to ask, and his soft spokeness proceeded to tell me. All I could get out of what he said was, "bacteria", "cell wall not easily broken down", "traditional antibiotics won't work". (I later went home and looked it up on the Internet to figure out what I really had....which is basically bacterial pnuemonia....thank the Lord for the Internet!) He then shows me a prescription, and stapled to it is a coupon for $5 off of my antibiotic.....which immediately tells me that I'm about to pay out the rear for these meds! And, CVS pharmacy made $115 off of me yesterday! I JUST ABOUT HAD A STROKE! Then I had to wonder, since the doc gave me a coupon, was he really trying to "help" or did he get some kinda bonus points from the pharmaceutical company for giving that Rx to me. Would an Internist have given me the same thing??????? Well, I guess all in all it really doesn't matter. The medicine is working, and I am finally starting to feel better tonight. My chest isn't hurting, I still have the congestion, but the coughing is settling down a bit. I guess I should thank my lucky stars that the $115 of meds worked, and not the other way around....'cause after that, who can afford more medicine???

OK, I'll quit complaining now....


Monday, February 26, 2007


Baby Girl turned 6 on Sunday! YES! 6 YEARS OLD! Can you believe it??? We were exhausted from this weekend, but it was a great one! Megan had alot of fun, as you can see in the slide show. We've got another B'day in a little more than a month...then we'll be done for a year. That's good, because birthday parties will wear you down! But, I'm so blessed and thankful that I have 2 wonderful kids to throw parties for! Yes, I do go a bit overboard, but I won't be able to throw birthday parties all of their I'm living it up now!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Suprisingly FUN!

Haha! I should totally get one of these shirts! I am so addicted to blogging! YES, ME! I'm so surprised too! But seriously, this blog has really been a blast! When someone first suggested doing a blog, it was for my Bible Study class at church. The idea was, the leaders of the class could make posts on a blog to keep everyone in class informed on what was happening in class. I was skeptical to say the least. My immediate reaction was "You mean I have to learn how to do a blog? I don't even know what that is!!!!" So, once the blog for my Bible Study class was set up (Click the Family Ties Fridge link to the right of the page), I decided that maybe I needed to "practice" a bit and set up a test blog of my own. Just so I could get a feel for one had to know about it, and if it was a big flop, then no big deal, right? Well, I guess you can see that this "test blog" has turned into a hobby of mine. I am loving it! I've learned to do so much with this, which is saying alot, because I am NOT the most computer savvy person you'd meet! I can find my way through some things here and there...but technical I am not. Well, this is really all easy. It's all set up for you. And the best part is, I get to write. I really have always loved writing. When I was in High school, one of my mentors, my English teacher, always gave me high marks for my writing. She encouraged it. I even remember her challenging me to "never give up writing, you have a gift" in my Senior Year Book. And I have had some of the same compliments thrown my way recently since going public with this blog. (By public, I mean a few choice family and friends.) My husband hears the compliments of how "I can write" and immediately starts trying to turn that into a money maker! "YOU SHOULD WRITE A BOOK, A CHILDREN'S BOOK, OR A NOVEL". It's not that I don't appreciate his enthusiasm for my "skill" so to speak, but this blog is easy because it's about my life. It's like carrying on a conversation of my thoughts with a brick one talks back, I just peck at the keyboard and ramble on and on about what's on my mind at the moment. Perhaps one day, I can become a published author. How fun would it be to have this blog published and pass down to my children. An actual record of our lives together! Well, like I said in the very beginning, I don't know what God's plans are for this blog, and maybe there really are no plans....but in the mean time...I sure am having fun!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

It Costs HOW MUCH????

So I need one of these tree's in my backyard, LIKE NOW!

Doesn't everyone????

Last week, I received a price list for tuition cost at my kids school for next school year. Registration is tomorrow. Megan will be in 1st grade, Ryan will be in K3. The grand total for next years education will be ..........

(DRUM ROLL PLEASE.......................)


I am in shock still. I don't know why I am in shock, because I knew it would be more money than this year. Breakdown: Ryan's tuition stays the same, $100 for 3 days a week until 12pm. Not bad if you ask me, plus, he gets the wonderful teacher that my daughter had in her K3 year there....we LOVE her! Megan's tuition goes UP a $100 for First Grade! I love the school. I totally love that my children are being very loved and taken care of, and taught the academics by way of God's love, and they are learning Bible verses, and stories. The teachers in the past give them Bible Verses for challenges in the classroom! I'll never forget my 3 year old little girl reciting Philippians 4:13 "I can do ALL things through Christ, who gives me strength" whenever she had a hard time accomplishing a task. Then one day in the classroom, I heard the K3 teacher talking with one of her students who was complaining that they couldn't "color inside the lines". She recited that verse to them, and it clicked! THAT IS WHERE MEGAN LEARNED IT! Yes, we go to church, a GREAT church! Yes we reinforce the Word Of God at home, and talk about the Bible Stories. But for some reason, SCHOOL is where it started clicking for her.

I truly believe that God had planned all along for us to send our children to that school. Perhaps the school is also the reason that we are still living in the same house. We've wanted and needed to move for sooooooo long. Our community is fading. We're not happy. It's going downhill and there is nothing we can do to stop it. The inner city is creeping in closer and closer thus bringing up the crime rate, and the housing price coming down. We want to move so bad. But for some reason, the Lord has not led us to do that. But we are on HIS time table. We want to move out. Far out. Away from the city and the "creeping in" of the inner city troubles. I don't want to have to move again any time soon after we get out of this mess!

So all I can hope is that it all works out. It's all in God's hands. I just have to believe that I am a part of something big in God's plan. He's using this time in my life to build up to something worthy later. I have taken so much from the examples of others, and I pray that one day, I can do the same for someone who will be in my position.

I am blessed. Blessed by God. Blessed with a wonderful family.

I guess I don't need God to grow me a money tree in the backyard
(but wow, what a killing we'd make! hahahahaha).
God's growing seeds of faith in me, instead.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

My Sweet Family!!!

I had lunch with my Mom, my Mamaw, and Aunt Sherri and my best cousin, Lauren today. Every once in a while, mostly to celebrate one of our Birthdays~but sometimes, just "because" we meet for lunch on a Saturday afternoon. Just us gals. Sometimes my kids tag along, like today, because Dad was working (of course!) and today, the kids were soooo good! Before we even ordered our meal, my kids were talking and laughing and being silly...putting big smiles on our faces. So, I just happened to have my camera with me, and we began snapping! Today we were celebrating my Mamaw's 78TH Birthday. Now, I have lasting memories of a fun, wonderful day. I am so fortunate to have such a sweet, wonderful family. Mamaw is a strong beautiful woman who raised strong beautiful women, who have raised more strong beautiful women!

Happy Birthday Mamaw! I love you!!!!!

Friday, February 16, 2007

"That Game"!

Let me first start out by saying "I HATE THE NEWLY WED GAME"! No offense. I just cannot stand any game that puts me on the spot where I have to "guess" an answer that my spouse has said about me, or our marriage. Drives me nuts, Makes me nervous, EMBARRASSES ME AND MAKES ME BREAK OUT IN RED SPLOTCHES ALL OVER!!!!!

With that said, we had a "Parent's Nite Out" social with our Sunday School class. We ate dinner at Steak and Ale tonight, which was delicious. Jonathan and I really enjoyed sitting with our friends, talking and laughing about the crazy stuff we do, did, or our kids do to us now! It's enjoyable to relate to other couples about the crazy everyday lives we live! After dinner, it was time for dessert and games, so off we went to another couple friends home. Again, the conversation and dessert was both GREAT! Then it was GAME TIME! (dun-dun-duuuuun *scary, shocking, dramatic music plays). Guess which game??????


First of all, the Newly Wed Game TV show had the rule that you had to be married for 2 years or less to participate in the show. There is a reason for that....the questions you are asked are designed to "stump" you. When you have been married for as long as Jonathan and I (10 years this coming December), there are way too many factors at play here. Most often, the number one factor that is the death of any answer he or I may have is, that there are way too many options. For instance, my question tonight was "My husband talks about _______ so much, he could do an infomercial about it". Well, my husband has lots of interests, and they all come in shifts. I answered that he was really interested in "Solar Energy"...which he is....he is constantly boring me ("wink wink dear") with all the different ways we could build a solar powered house, or save on our heating bill by installing solar powered heating panels in our bathroom that mount to the wall, or many other things. He answered "Talk Radio". Well, yes, he is into Talk Radio, but that's not a product you would hock on an infomercial. But the list goes on, he loves talking about "alternative fuels", "electronics", "gadgets", and other things. So there is no one answer to that question....thus we loose again. We always loose at that game. And then there is always the embarrassing questions about your "intimate life" or "making whoopee" as the TV show would have called it. So, if you know me at all, you know that my face and chest were broke out in those embarrassing red splotches all over and everyone took notice!

I even get uncomfortable having to watch others play that game because I feel sorry for them....everyone is scared they're gonna tick off the spouse because they said the wrong answer, or said an embarrassing one. So in the beginning, there was the "disclaimer"...

THIS IS JUST FOR FUN, NOT TO EMBARRASS ANYONE, SO LETS JUST HAVE A GOOD TIME. But why is it that we have a good time laughing at the person squirming in the chair???? (well, yes, I laughed too! It was funny)

Well at least it's over with. I really did enjoy my evening with our friends. It was a great night.

I just really really really hate playing that game.

(sorry Rhonda, but i really really really LOVE YOU!)

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Frigid Temps!


Well, I've gotta bit of a gripe! If it's going to be below freezing temps, shouldn't we at least get to have a little snowfall??? I mean, if I gotta FREEZE to death, even in the comfort of my own home, with the heat going full blast, yet my toes just can't thaw out, I wanna see the Powder hit the ground! It's really not fair. Alabama get's the shaft when it comes to the powdery white stuff. I know alot of the more of the northern states get it often, & yes, even some of the southern states like Tennesee-but it has not snowed here in my neck of the woods in at least 7 years! I think we are LONG overdue, don't you? It would be so awesome for my 6 year old to wake up to a thick blanket of white stuff all over the ground. She's never even seen a snow flake in her life! I think it did "flurry" a little bit last year, but alas, we didn't get to experience it because it just so happened we were on the road to Orlando Florida to spend the week in DisneyWorld!

Whever talk of the "white stuff" begins to happen, there are a couple of scenarios that are sure to ensue. First, most people won't believe it. I mean, why should they, it hasn't happened in 7 YEARS! Then, no matter if they believe the forecast or not, they do stay glued to the TV and the windows straining to get a glimpse of even the tiniest, minut, microscopic snowflake. There is a slight shadow of hope...the thoughts of "perhaps they got it wrong". I can't tell you how many times I have prayed that prayer a child, it means a day out of school! As a parent, IT MEANS A DAY OUT OF SCHOOL! :-)

One more scenario comes to mind with the chatter of "snow talk". Panic. Yes, Panic. You see, since it is so seldom that we actual have to experience snow, Panic almost always ensues...."Can we drive the roads?" (keeping in mind, it's usually less than an inch on the ground!), "Are the schools & businesses open" but my most favorite is the panic at the grocery store. YOU GOTTA GET MILK AND BREAD! Milk & Bread? MILK & BREAD????? Why milk and bread??? Why not STEAK AND BAKED POTATO! I mean if you're gonna be "snowed in" with less than an inch of snow, at least eat a decent hot meal. Well, I guess the milk and bread does come in handy when the power goes out. Yes, less than an inch of snow and most of the city will be without power. Back to that "panic" thing...even the power lines panic and start falling down. I mean what do people up North that deal with snow all the time do? Do they honestly loose power for no less than that inch?

Well, even though it's mid-february and our hopes of a glorious snowfall are ticking away (hey we have through March..."Winter Storm '93 happened the first of March...a one in 50 year storm that dumped an entire foot of snow in Central Alabama! I was 19 years old and it was AMAZING!) I guess I will hold on to the hope of a snowfall a little bit longer...

Please? Let it snow? just a little?????

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Daddy/Daughter Date Night

Daughter's First Date!

Time for something happy to blog! It's the "Valentine" week and it started last night for my daughter and husband as they attended their first "Daddy/Daughter Date Night" at our church. We began planning weeks ago. First the announcement came in the mail. My husband was so excited because he's wanted to take her to this for so long! Last year, she was finally old enough to go, but we were out of town in DisneyWorld so they missed it. This was finally their year! After reading the invitation to her, Daddy bent down on one knee and asked her if she would go on a date with him. Well, lately, my dear daughter who is nearly 6 but going on 26 years old, has been trying to "talk like a grown up" as she puts it. She looked her dad square in the eye and said "Sure I will!". Well, then it's time to plan! We had to go find a new dress. I took her shopping and we picked out the sweetest dress, and I must say, she looked like a grown up when she put it on!
All the mom's decorated tables for the evening. I had such fun putting together centerpieces, and goodie bags for the tables. And my sweet hubby made sure they sat at the table that I had decorated~which was sweet, because some of the other tables were really good! One lady had the great idea to place disposable cameras on the table so that those sitting there could take pictures! (I would have sat at that table personally!)
When it was time to get ready, my daughter wanted to make sure that how she looked in the dress would be a suprise for daddy. We got her dressed behind closed doors, all the while she was yelling at her daddy "don't come in here, it's a suprise!" Then she made me look down the hall to make sure her daddy wouldn't see her as we quickly ran into the bathroom to do her hair. Again, we got ready behind closed doors, with her still yelling, "don't come in here daddy, I'm doing my hair and I'm not ready yet! (I know, I know, she's only 6 now, and it's going to get worse!) Well when she got ready, daddy announced that he would be "right back" and he left. She walked into the living room and began twirling around and around because her dress was PERFECT for twirling! Suddenly, the doorbell rang. At first she paid no attention to it, but I told her she needed to go to the door. She opened the door and to her suprise, Daddy was there, wearing his sports coat and looking pretty dapper! He was there to pick her up for their "DATE"! She was sooooo excited! We took a few pictures, and out the door they went. When they got home from their special evening, I was asking how everything went. They ate dinner, they had a live band playing so there was lots of dancing, and I knew it was a good night when my daughter exclaimed "Mom, I liked that better than Chuck E Cheese!"
Well, you know that it was a good night if not even Chuck E Cheese could compare.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

In Memory of Nanny

I spoke at Nanny's funeral. It was no easy task. I'm really proud of myself, and suprised that I was able to do it. I would never have been able to do it for Papaw's funeral, because it was so sudden and unexpected. He was so full of life...SuperMan to me. Nothing held him back. But my dear Nanny had been sick for a while, and I believe the Lord helped me by preparing me for her death. He put thoughts and dreams of her in my mind for months before she passed. I'm glad Nanny is no longer suffering. And as I said the other day at her funeral, I would much rather focus on the fact that she led a very vibrant, full, happy life...I don't want to focus on her death. Death doesn't win, when you have memories like mine. The following is a compilation of memories of mine. I read this at her funeral. I share it with you now.
Nanny Was ALWAYS There

February 9, 2007

When I was a little girl, I attended school at Barrett Elementary, which was just 2 houses away from my Nanny & Papaw’s house. I walked home everyday to their house when school let out, and there I waited for my dad to get home from work. I remember Nanny always had a box of ice-cream in the freezer for my brothers and I to have an after school snack. I loved being at Nanny’s house. She was so much fun! She had the most infectious laugh of anyone I’ve ever known! And, I’m sorry, it has to be said…sometimes she would get so tickled at someone or something, and she would have to “EXCUSE” herself from the room….laughing all the way.
Most of you know what I’m talking about!
Nanny was always there~laughing. When word came of her death Wednesday, all I could see in my head was that great big smile of hers, and I remembered her laugh. I smiled too, because when Nanny laughed, you laughed with her!
I remember once when I was in 2nd grade, my teacher wrote a note home to my parents about the fact that I had been daydreaming a lot in class. I was staring out the window of my classroom. When my Mom asked me about it, I knew exactly what I had been doing. I could see Nanny and Papaw’s house from the window of my classroom, and I was hoping to catch a glimpse of them. From time to time, I could see my Papaw’s work truck, coming and going throughout the day, and I knew Nanny was always there at her house, and I was jealous, because I wanted to be there too. Can you blame me? Who’d want to be at school, when you could be with Nanny?
Many times, when I was sick Nanny would take care of me while my parents had to work. If I got sick at school, she’d come get me and take me home with her. She’d always have me some ginger ale and crackers to eat. Nanny was always there.
As I got older, she helped me with my homework in the afternoons. Her favorite was my Math homework…which was good for me, because I hated Math! Especially the “Long Division” work problems that seemed to go on and on and never end. More often, than not, and especially if I’d let her…I’d ask Nanny for help with a hard problem, and before I knew it, she’d solved it for me. She’d end up doing a lot of my Math homework… (Perhaps the reason I was never a good math student!) When she’d realized what she’d done, that infectious giggle of hers came bellowing out. She loved to laugh….Nanny was always there…to do your homework for you and laugh about it later!
On those long hot summers, I spent the day with Nanny. We talked about everything. She taught me Bible stories. She told me about her Mother and Father. I learned about Wayne, my Uncle and Jeff, my Cousin, both of whom I never knew. We’d talk while she was sipping coffee at the kitchen table, washing dishes, making the beds, or while she was carrying those ridiculously heavy buckets of water that she filled up in the bath tub and toted them all the way to the washing machine so she could do laundry. She made the beds everyday, and I watched intensely as she smoothed every wrinkle out of the sheets. When I asked her why she worked so hard on getting those wrinkles out, she would tell me the story about “The Princess and the Pea”. For those of you that don’t know that story, it’s about a Prince searching for a “TRUE” princess to marry, so the queen invited a young lady to spend the night in the castle and the queen placed a single pea at the bottom of the bed sheet, and covered the bed with 40 extra layers of bed sheets. When the Queen asked the young lady the next day how she slept, She replied ‘ Oh, very poorly! I scarcely closed my eyes all night. Heaven only knows what was in the bed, but I was lying on something hard, and I couldn’t sleep a wink.’ The queen then immediately ordered a wedding. Only a true princess could be so delicate as to feel a pea through forty layers of bed sheets.’ Nanny then would tell me, “if a true princess couldn’t sleep with a single pea in the bed, then she wouldn’t sleep with a wrinkle either”. Nanny was always there with funny stories to tell.
I loved spending the night with Nanny. We’d stay up late at night watching movies on TV, and it always seemed to be a scary movie. That house was so big, and dark, and frightening after watching a scary movie, that I stayed stuck to her side-too scared to go into a room with out her. Again, she just laughed at me. But that laugh was so comforting. Nanny was always there!

I have a lot of good memories with Nanny. I know she loved us all so much. You always knew when you called her house, she’d answer the phone…because Nanny was always there. When you pulled up at her house-she’d either be on the front porch swing, or in the kitchen, because Nanny was always there. (that is, unless is was Saturday, which was when Aunt Kathy took her to the grocery store!).
Today, Nanny is at peace. I know she loved God and believed in Jesus as her Savior. I do too, partly because of the seeds of faith she placed in me during my childhood. And if you too are a child of God, a believer in Christ, then you will be reunited with Nanny and Papaw again one day in heaven. Personally, my soul longs for that day. I can’t wait. Nanny is there waiting.

Nanny, I love you, I’ll miss you. Thank you for always being there!
Jenny Lee

Saturday, February 10, 2007


The last few days have been a struggle. My grandmother died on Wednesday. It wasn't unexpected, as she's been suffering from Alzheimer's for the last few years. (She always called it "OLD TIMERS") The death of my grandmother has been difficult, but easier than one might expect. You see, I haven't seen my grandmother in several years. Perhaps it was the wrong thing to do, and I am sure many would judge me as being a bad granddaughter, but I quit going to see her a few years ago when she couldn't remember who I was. On the last visit I had with her, I went with my parents to see her. As we arrived, she was standing on the front porch of her home with some other of my relatives, Aunts, Cousins,etc. My dad walked down the sidewalk to her porch and even he had to tell her "Mama, it's me, your son, we brought Jenny to see you today". She stared at me. I said "Hey Nanny" to her. After a moment she smiled and grabbed me and said "I know who you are" and kissed my forehead. After that we went into the kitchen, as we always did~because that was the central room of her home where everyone congregated to talk. (And boy, did it always get loud in there with all the different conversations going on, & everyone talking at once and louder than the others so they could be heard). As we sat in the kitchen, my Nanny kept staring at me. I think she was still trying to remember me. I bet I was there for over an hour and she would keep staring the entire time. I've always wondered if she really did know who I was. Perhaps on some level she did. Perhaps she knew she recognized me, but she couldn't recall how, or remember any of my childhood. The Alzheimer's disease is ruthless. It's cruel. It's the one disease that can take away what I consider to be a person's most prized possession...your memory. Your memory of your past. Your memory of who the people in your life are. Your memories are directly related to your heart. I suppose on one hand, you are still alive and your family is grateful to have you with them. But on the other hand, a part of my Nanny had already died when she couldn't remember who I was. I think on many levels, I mourned her back then, because the Nanny I knew was gone. Her body was still here...but her mind wasn't.
Graciously, the Lord honored my Nanny's wish. All my life, both Nanny and my beloved Papaw too, would say that they hoped that the Lord would take them in their sleep. They felt it was the most peaceful way to die. Nanny died Feb7Th in her sleep. While my beliefs about the afterlife are somewhat different from hers and they rest of my family due to different religious backgrounds, I am comforted in the only thing that truly matters....Nanny loved the Lord, and believed in Jesus Christ as the only way to true salvation. So whether you believe in "The dead are but asleep" and "will join Christ in Heaven on the resurrection day" as Nanny and Papaw did, or if you believe "To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord" and believers go to directly to Heaven when they die, as I do. It doesn't REALLY matter....what matters is, if you to have an abiding relationship with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, then you too will be with Nanny in Heaven one day.
I miss her. I miss Papaw. I cherish my memories. I look forward to being reunited with them.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Date? What's that?

WOW! For the first time in a really long time, my dear hubby and I got to go out on an official date! No kids. No friends to meet for dinner. Just him and me. IT WAS A LITTLE WEIRD! Ha ha, I know. It's just not something we get to do that often! Tonight, we went to Konomi, a local Japanese Steak House and had dinner. It was nice, the food was great, and he and I had a great time. At one point, he turned to me and asked "Why don't we do this more often?" Well, I dunno. Lots of reasons probably. Life. Lack of money to go out. Him working late to provide for our family. Church obligations. Kids. Just being parents can get in the way of being a couple sometimes. Don't get me wrong, we absolutely love the life that the Lord has blessed us with...and I wouldn't change it, or wish it differently for anything! We are truly blessed. But I guess I just don't want to be so busy being a mom, and him be so busy being dad that we forget to be married/husband and wife/boyfriend and girlfriend/bride and groom. Haven't you heard of those couples that lived their entire marriage raising their children and then when the kids were grown and out on their own, they didn't know who they were married to. Most of those relationships end in divorce because they didn't take the time and effort to continue growing in love. They were more focused on doing their job...being a parent, than sharing their lives. I want differently for us. One of these days, I want to stand at the end of the driveway waving goodbye to my kids as they head off to college, and me and my husband jump in the car and head for Disney World, or a Caribbean Cruise! I want us to be one of those old couples that still hold hands every time they go to the grocery store and take dance lessons for the first time, just so we can dance at our golden anniversary party. I want to live a long, happy healthy life with my soul mate. My marriage, after all, wasn't accidental. It was long planned, and thought out. Not the wedding day, but the actual MARRIAGE. God gave it to us as a gift, and we need to take care of it. Date nights are a must. Especially when you have children. If mom and dad aren't taking care of themselves and making alone time for each other, then our family would be in danger. I don't want to wake up 15 or 20 years from now and realize that I'm married to a stranger.

So honey, I ask of you....will you go on another date with me?free myspace background