Monday, April 07, 2008


These last few months have been getting a little bit emotional for me. I'm starting to realize that I no longer have "babies"! Ryan's birthday was a little more than a week ago and he turned 4 years old...which I am on one hand SO proud of! I can't believe it's been 4 years since we took a ride to the hospital to be enduced and that sweet little boy was brought into this world. It's no secret that he's had me wrapped around his little finger all his life. I'm definatly a little softer on him than I was for Megan at that age. But it's certainly not any other reason than the parenting one...I'm just realizing as I work my way through raising my children, that some things aren't as important as I once thought...even the little things kids do. Unfortunately my first born is my "trial child"...we try something and see how that works. If it comes up with Ryan, sometimes he get's the more lenient method. I also think Ryan is a "softer hearted" child when it comes to being disciplined. Most of the time, the tone of my voice is enough to send him over the edge in tears because he doesn't like me to be "mad" at him (or at least that's what he says while crying). I am so enjoying being a mother...and quite frankly, it's the only thing I can think of all my life that I wanted to "be". I do not recall dreaming of the day I'd grow up to be a career woman. Sure, I dreamed of being a ballerina, or a nurse, or a teacher. But those dreams changed with the wind, none of them were grounded. But to be a MOM! I was practicing that role very early in my life. I wanted to have children to take care of, and all of my baby dolls, and cabbage patch kids, and barbie's were all ways of "practicing" for my future MOMMY role. I've heard that a child's play with baby dolls, stuffed animal toys, etc is a good indication of how well a child has been loved and parented. I'm sure that was true in my case, and I do see it in my own children. There are certain toys they have that are their "babies"! Megan has a Winnie the Pooh bear that she got from Disney World at 11 months old and it's has spent only a few nights away from her snuggled embrace since. (We left him at Mimi and Papaw's in Gulf Shores one time, but got him back within the week because of the sheer devastation for all involved!). Ryan's love is his Mickey Mouse. There are several stuffed animals that sleep in his bed every night, but the main one that get's the snuggle spot in the bed is Mickey. Mickey also goes to school with him for nap time. Ryan will be a good friend to anyone, because he is so loyal. I see it in his play. He will be a good boyfriend and husband to a girl one day, because I am the fortunate one (for this time in his life) that get's to soak up all his hugs and kisses. He will keep you laughing, because he has his dad's sense of humor, and his laugh is contagious! It comes from deep down in his belly and when you hear it, you can't help but laugh too! He's such a blessing in my life, and I love him so dearly! He's my sweet baby boy!


Anonymous said...

I'm SO glad you blogged about Ryan! Seems like Megan has been getting a lot of "web time" lately!
And thanks for putting that precious picture in there! I remember when Jonathan was his age--what a fun time!! You are a wonderful mother to both of them and a wonderful wife to Jon. I'm so thankful God brought you into our family!! I love you bunches!!