Here are a choice few photos that I know you've been dying to see (any by you, I mean Regina-the only person who probably reads this blog! haha)
On the way down we decided to take our time and stop in Montgomery at the capital building. Megan and Ryan both had a great time running around the grounds, which was totally vacant since it was a Sunday and everything down town is closed! Perfect photo ops!!!
We're hoping that one day Ryan can actually stand still and smile at the camera when we ask him to. Right now, it's just a little too much for his nearly 4 year old body to handle...thus the silly poses he gives us.
Ahh, yes. Sweet girl has had a camera shoved in her face often enough to know just how to pose and smile! She went through the phase that Ryan is in now, which is what gives us the hope we have as stated above.
More pics to come soon...It just takes FOREVER for them to download from the camera, and then upload to the site because of the resolution that Jon uses on his camera. It does take nice pictures though.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank You! I've been waiting a week for these pics!! :) I'm sure I'm not the only one who reads your blog, but I do check it two or three times a day!! :D
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