Well...the tooth is gone.
I made chicken soft tacos for dinner tonight to try to keep Megan from having to chew on hard foods with her newly loose tooth! After about the 2nd or 3rd bite, she was freaking out about her mouth bleeding, and low and behold, her tooth was gone! No where to be found! We looked in her taco, we looked all on her plate, the table, the floor, everywhere. I'm guessing she swallowed it. When she came to this realization-she went into sheer panic! She said she never felt anything hard in her mouth or anything, so we are both scratching our heads trying to figure that one out. She was excited about loosing a tooth, but to actually LOSE it freaked her out a bit. I think she really thought it meant that the tooth fairy wouldn't be coming! It took forever to convince her that the tooth fairy still knew about it and she would still have a prize under her pillow in the morning! As a matter of fact, I don't think she is convinced yet....
Even little brother felt sorry for her loosing her first loose tooth, so he went and got out his magnifying glass and started looking everywhere for it! It was so cute! He said "Megan, I hep you find yow toof!" (so sweet!)
A little over a year ago, I had begun anticipating her loosing her first tooth. I went to Christmas Village Arts and Crafts show in November '06 and found her a tooth pillow to safely and securely hold her tooth when the time came. I have held onto that pillow every since then, and today I was so excited to finally be able to give it to her! Now....we have no tooth to put in it! hahaha! How's that for karma!?
But anyway, she wrote a letter to the tooth fairy and we're going to place it in the pillow tonight. We're keeping our fingers crossed that the tooth fairy stops by and leaves a really good treat for a devastated little girl! She really wanted that tooth!
Here's a little video I shot of her soon after the milestone moment happened...
Here's a slide show of pics....enjoy.
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