As stated in a previous post, my dear daughter got straight A's on her first report card of the First Grade. After keeping watch of her progress reports from the teacher, we pretty much knew that she was definatly bringing home the alpha's, so we decided to sweeten the pot a little and give her a little incentive. She loves going out to much so that she is always asking if we can "go somewhere" for dinner because most of the time if we eat food that wasn't prepared at home, it's a dash at the drive thru and back to our kitchen! I'll never forget a day, here recently, that I took her to eat lunch at Subway. We walk up to the counter, place our order, and I told her she could go pick out a seat.
"We're eating HERE?!" Megan asked, wide eyed and ready to do a happy dance at the counter.
"Yes", I reply...a little shocked, but totally understanding where she's coming from.
"WOOOOOO HOOOOO!" Megan runs off and screams all the way to the table of her choice.
After the muttered laughter of everyone in the restaurant, I'm thinking..."Wow...we really need to get out more often". haha
So, after going back and forth over the last 3 weeks of where we will go to eat, she finally decides that she'd like to have "O'Charleys" because she likes the bread they serve.
I was looking forward to a nice dinner at Logan's Roadhouse as she had previously decided that is where she wanted to go, but that's ok. It's her night, so we'll go to the "kids eat free" restaurant! ('s a win/win!). I definatly deserve to celebrate, because I've earned it too! Who do you think helps her with homework and studying for test every night?
So bring on my, er, HER celebration dinner!
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