Why I always seem to struggle with this is really beyond me...Am I the only one that does this? Read on...tell me your thoughts!
What do you do when someone who is a complete stranger asks you for help? A few moments ago, my next door neighbor rings my door bell. The only thing I know about her are the following points:
- she lives next door
- she and her husband(?) are very quiet
- sometimes she drives a red car
- sometimes there is a white truck in the driveway
- there is a basket ball goal in the front yard, so she probably has kids
So, with that limited knowledge, and no more than an occasional wave (and when I say occasional, I mean probably twice) to say hello in the past year that they've lived there, she rings my doorbell and asks me if I am going anywhere today. Strange, but polite way of asking for something but not imposing on me. I reply "No, why?" and she just says that she needs to go to the post office to be dropped off. I do agree to take her to the post office, after all, I'm home and I am not busy. I tell her I'll be out in a minute I just have to get shoes on, and she waits outside for me. Then after closing the door, that person shows up in my head. You know, the one that doesn't have faith in human kind, the one that doubts the good intent of everyone she sees, the one that thinks anyone who asks favors such as these has demented, psycho intentions and therefore I will end up on the evening news as a missing persons story.
So why did I agree to this total strangers request? At this point, I didn't even know her NAME! I had no idea who she was other than, she lives next door! What made me agree to help her when I had no idea if I could really trust her? I suppose one could argue both sides of this one.
On the SHOULD NOT have helped side..."you just can't be too careful these days", "in today's world you can't trust anyone", "you never know when someone is going to hurt you, or is setting you up for something".
On the SHOULD help side...Matthew 25:35-40 Then the King will say to those on His right, ‘Come, you who are blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. ‘For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me.’ “Then the righteous will answer Him, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry, and feed You, or thirsty, and give You something to drink? ‘And when did we see You a stranger, and invite You in, or naked, and clothe You? ‘When did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’ “The King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.’
By the way,
- I now know her name,
- she has 3 kids, and is actually a grandmother of one and one on the way.
- She met her mother at the post office, and together they are going to drive 40 miles to her grandmother's house to check on her, and make sure she has lunch.
The previous verses describes acts of mercy we can be involved in daily. It doesn't matter if you are rich, poor, smart, stupid, physically able or not, they are just merciful acts that we are to do freely...without expectation. We have no excuse to neglect those who have deep needs, whatever they are. We have to step up. The Lord demands our personal involvement in the care of others' needs in Isaiah 58:7 "...to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter-when you see the naked, to clothe him..."
For some reason, this is a hard one for me. I want to help people, but my fear of the evil ways of some hold me back. It is definitely something I struggle with, and want to improve, however, with the meanness of the world, and the constant stories of people being kidnapped from shopping centers in day light, pregnant women being abducted because a lonely mother wanted her baby, children coming up missing in carjackings, etc...I wonder how to handle it. I think there is a fine line in today's world...and each situation is different and has to be interpreted by you and the Holy Spirit. I did pray as I got my things together for the Lord to keep me and my son safe as we helped her, and to bless our effort. I had no reservations once she came to the car...things were settled and fine in my heart at that point. To think, I could have let that doubting voice in my head hinder me from being the Lord's vessel today. I would have had to LIE to get out of it...and that would be more fault on me!
I would have said no and I still will! I have no trust when it comes to people I don't know! Why everyone ask??? I had a gun held to my face and was tied up with duct tape because a fellow employee was being nice and let other employee's in to get their paychecks. Little did we know they were scum. Just the night before I was laughing and talking with them! I KNEW THEM or so I thought I did. Anyway...they let a guy in who robbed us before the store opened. SO...instead of worrying what pot to drop the meat in that morning which is what I was in the process of doing...I had some man standing and screaming at me telling me he was going to kill me if I didn't get down on the floor! I still hear his voice when I close my eyes and listen and it is something I will NEVER get over! So I have my reason as you can see above and I lost all trust in people! It's a shame ...I was already paranoid enough before that happened! LMFAO
Now....I'm not saying you are wrong because what you did was nice. That is how God wants us to be and we SHOULD BE NICE TO FELLOW NEIGHBORS...but my trust is GONE! I'm very careful of what I do for anyone anymore! I just can't help it!
I think you did a great thing..as you now know. this convicted me just to be more active in getting to know my neighbors..before there is a need. I have my immediate block pretty well covered.. but i need to take the time (with my husband present..ha!) to go and have even more intentional conversations. I pretty much know the spiritual standing of three of my "neighbors" but I want to extend that even further.
thanks for the post.. good stuff.
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