Saturday, August 18, 2007

It's the first day of FIRST GRADE!

Well, yesterday started it all off for us! Megan began her official venture into elementary school. I feel so blessed that the Lord has chosen for her to go to private school for first grade. She has a class of 16, a wonderful teacher, and a whole lot of new things coming her way! I am amazed at what first graders learn these days. When I was in school (you know, way back in the dark ages when everyone walked over snow covered mountains for miles and miles), it was the 3rd grade before I learned to look words up in the dictionary and had to write book reports. This year, my baby girl (will I ever NOT call her that???) will be doing all of that and more in the first grade. She will learn to look up scripture in the Bible, begin learning to write in cursive writing (again, 2ND and 3RD grade for that with me!), and she'll be challenged to read 120 books over the course of the school year. She will have a sheet to write down 20 books and authors to turn into the teacher every month! WOW! It's going to be a busy busy year! And there are simply not enough hours in the day for it all! Well, even if I wasn't already, I better be hitting my knees more often so we can make it through first grade!! It only goes uphill from here!
Here are a few pics we took of the big day. Hope you enjoy!
FEEL FREE TO COMMENT ON YOUR THOUGHTS OF FIRST GRADE! What did your child enjoy/dislike most...what did you do in first grade WAY BACK IN THE DAY? I'd be curious to hear from ya'll!