Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Megan came home with her first set of test papers. She didn't even realize they were in her folder and when I pulled them out of her bag today, she held her breath and clinched her teeth...she actually acted worried! I asked her what she thought her test papers said and she very shyly, no confidently, questionably asked " uh, A+? "
When I turned the pages around and showed them to her she got a huge smile on her face and screamed "YEAH BABY! I KNEW IT!"
She got all of her spelling words done correctly, and even the bonus word that we had not studied for. I hope that is just the beginning of many A's for her! As long as she loves making A's on her tests, she' hopefully love school too! I can't imagine how much trouble her dad and I will have when she gets older and we don't know how to help her with her homework because we're no longer smart enough! I guess I will be shelling out more of the green stuff to pay for tutors!

The Skeptical Good Samaritan???

Why I always seem to struggle with this is really beyond me...Am I the only one that does this? Read on...tell me your thoughts!

What do you do when someone who is a complete stranger asks you for help? A few moments ago, my next door neighbor rings my door bell. The only thing I know about her are the following points:

  • she lives next door

  • she and her husband(?) are very quiet

  • sometimes she drives a red car

  • sometimes there is a white truck in the driveway

  • there is a basket ball goal in the front yard, so she probably has kids

So, with that limited knowledge, and no more than an occasional wave (and when I say occasional, I mean probably twice) to say hello in the past year that they've lived there, she rings my doorbell and asks me if I am going anywhere today. Strange, but polite way of asking for something but not imposing on me. I reply "No, why?" and she just says that she needs to go to the post office to be dropped off. I do agree to take her to the post office, after all, I'm home and I am not busy. I tell her I'll be out in a minute I just have to get shoes on, and she waits outside for me. Then after closing the door, that person shows up in my head. You know, the one that doesn't have faith in human kind, the one that doubts the good intent of everyone she sees, the one that thinks anyone who asks favors such as these has demented, psycho intentions and therefore I will end up on the evening news as a missing persons story.


So why did I agree to this total strangers request? At this point, I didn't even know her NAME! I had no idea who she was other than, she lives next door! What made me agree to help her when I had no idea if I could really trust her? I suppose one could argue both sides of this one.

On the SHOULD NOT have helped side..."you just can't be too careful these days", "in today's world you can't trust anyone", "you never know when someone is going to hurt you, or is setting you up for something".

On the SHOULD help side...Matthew 25:35-40 Then the King will say to those on His right, ‘Come, you who are blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. ‘For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me.’ “Then the righteous will answer Him, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry, and feed You, or thirsty, and give You something to drink? ‘And when did we see You a stranger, and invite You in, or naked, and clothe You? ‘When did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’ “The King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.’

By the way,

  • I now know her name,
  • she has 3 kids, and is actually a grandmother of one and one on the way.
  • She met her mother at the post office, and together they are going to drive 40 miles to her grandmother's house to check on her, and make sure she has lunch.

The previous verses describes acts of mercy we can be involved in daily. It doesn't matter if you are rich, poor, smart, stupid, physically able or not, they are just merciful acts that we are to do freely...without expectation. We have no excuse to neglect those who have deep needs, whatever they are. We have to step up. The Lord demands our personal involvement in the care of others' needs in Isaiah 58:7 " share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter-when you see the naked, to clothe him..."

For some reason, this is a hard one for me. I want to help people, but my fear of the evil ways of some hold me back. It is definitely something I struggle with, and want to improve, however, with the meanness of the world, and the constant stories of people being kidnapped from shopping centers in day light, pregnant women being abducted because a lonely mother wanted her baby, children coming up missing in carjackings, etc...I wonder how to handle it. I think there is a fine line in today's world...and each situation is different and has to be interpreted by you and the Holy Spirit. I did pray as I got my things together for the Lord to keep me and my son safe as we helped her, and to bless our effort. I had no reservations once she came to the car...things were settled and fine in my heart at that point. To think, I could have let that doubting voice in my head hinder me from being the Lord's vessel today. I would have had to LIE to get out of it...and that would be more fault on me!

Monday, August 27, 2007


I found this interesting....I origionally took the Myers-Briggs test as an assignment from our Drama Team leader at church. We are in the beginning stages of forming a Drama Team, and I guess the purpose was to find out the personalities/interests of everyone who has signed up. I pretty much find this to be dead on about me (plus or minus a few points), but what do you think? Have you ever taken a test like this??? What is your personality profile???? If you like this sort of thing, click on the links and take the test for yourself.

Click to view my Personality Profile page

More about my personality type...
About the ESFJ Expert Quotes & Links

"Guardians of birthdays, holidays and celebrations, ESFJs are entertainers. They enjoy and joyfully observe traditions and are liberal in giving, especially where custom prescribes."
- ESFJ Profile (TypeLogic)

"ESFJs are people persons - they love people. They are warmly interested in others. They use their Sensing and Judging characteristics to gather specific, detailed information about others, and turn this information into supportive judgments. They want to like people, and have a special skill at bringing out the best in others. They are extremely good at reading others, and understanding their point of view. The ESFJ's strong desire to be liked and for everything to be pleasant makes them highly supportive of others."
- Portrait of an ESFJ (The Personality Page)

"...values relationships and families over intellectual pursuits, group oriented, follows the rules..."
- Jung Type Descriptions (ESFJ) ( "...take it upon themselves to arrange for the health and welfare of those in their care, but they are also the most sociable of all the SJs, and thus are the great nurturers of established institutions such as schools, businesses, churches, social clubs, and civic groups."
- The Portrait of the Provider Guardian (Keirsey)

"At work, ESFJs contribute their ability to cooperate with others and to complete tasks in a timely and accurate way. They respect rules and authority, and handle daily operations efficiently. They tend to be well informed and up-to-date on organizational actions that matter to people. They do what they can to make sure that personal relationships are running smoothly. Because they pay close attention to people's needs and wants, they are often involved in work activities that meet people's practical, day-to-day desires."
- ESFJ - The Helper (Lifexplore)


Famous ESFJs

Real ESFJ People

Danny Glover - actor
Desi Arnaz - actor, comedian, musician
Dixie Carter - actress
Don Knotts - comedian
Elvis Stojko - Canadian figure skater
Jack Benny - comedian, actor
John Connally - politician
Mary Tyler Moore - actress, comedian
Nancy Kerrigan - Olympic figure skater
Sally Field - actress
Sally Struthers - actress
Steve Spurrier - football player
Terry Bradshaw - football player
William McKinley - American President

Fictional ESFJs (Characters)

Donald Duck - Disney cartoon character
George Babbitt - Babbit (Sinclair Lewis)
Hoss Cartwright - Bonanza
Leonard "Bones" McCoy - Star Trek
Monica Gellar - Friends
Nurse Haleh Adams - ER
Rabbit - Winnie the Pooh

Thursday, August 23, 2007

The Hard Part Is Over...Right???

Well, I'm finally through decorating my classroom! Yesterday was "MEET THE TEACHER" day and I got to meet all 8 of my students and their parents. I really have a great group and I am so excited! Class doesn't start for another week or so, and I am more anxious than ever. Today has been a rough day because I think I was experiencing the beautiful let down. I had prepared so hard to be ready for Meet The Teacher day and when it was finally over, I finally relaxed! Exhaustion does not even begin to describe me today! I literally laid around all day as if I had the flu! Even though I'll really only be teaching 2 days a week once school starts, I have literally been up at the school nearly every day of the week since mid July~so that will seem like a vacation! haha!
Well, here are a few pictures I took the other day while at the school. The room isn't cleaned up of the toys because Ryan was there with me and he had been playing...but I guess it's going to look like that when my students come anyway!

Monday, August 20, 2007


Going back to work (even 2 days a week) is proving to be a challenge for me. I never claimed to be the perfect "MARTHA STEWART" stay at home wife and mom with a organized, clean house, and dinner made from scratch and ready by 5pm. But, I did ok. I got us through each day with plenty of hugs and kisses to go around, books to read, and a prepared meal...even if it was just a hot dog on a lot of nights! (I know, I know...sad! I get the "sorry slacker mom" award!). But, even though classes haven't started yet, I have been spending virtually EVERY day at the school getting my classroom decorated, cleaned and organized. For the most part it is ready for sweet little children to come in and begin learning and loving school! So, as I adjust to my new "working" schedule, I need help from all of you mom's out there! Working or NOT I ask you to leave me a comment on this post telling me of your favorite weekday/workday recipie. Let me just say...I got the following covered:
HOT DOGS, HAMBURGERS, SPAGHETTI, AND ANYTHING TAKE OUT! Haha! The $5 pizza deal from Little Ceasers is a life saver!!!
Sooooo, how 'bout it? Give me your quickie and goodie ideas! I sure could use them!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

It's the first day of FIRST GRADE!

Well, yesterday started it all off for us! Megan began her official venture into elementary school. I feel so blessed that the Lord has chosen for her to go to private school for first grade. She has a class of 16, a wonderful teacher, and a whole lot of new things coming her way! I am amazed at what first graders learn these days. When I was in school (you know, way back in the dark ages when everyone walked over snow covered mountains for miles and miles), it was the 3rd grade before I learned to look words up in the dictionary and had to write book reports. This year, my baby girl (will I ever NOT call her that???) will be doing all of that and more in the first grade. She will learn to look up scripture in the Bible, begin learning to write in cursive writing (again, 2ND and 3RD grade for that with me!), and she'll be challenged to read 120 books over the course of the school year. She will have a sheet to write down 20 books and authors to turn into the teacher every month! WOW! It's going to be a busy busy year! And there are simply not enough hours in the day for it all! Well, even if I wasn't already, I better be hitting my knees more often so we can make it through first grade!! It only goes uphill from here!
Here are a few pics we took of the big day. Hope you enjoy!
FEEL FREE TO COMMENT ON YOUR THOUGHTS OF FIRST GRADE! What did your child enjoy/dislike most...what did you do in first grade WAY BACK IN THE DAY? I'd be curious to hear from ya'll!

Saturday, August 11, 2007


Last week I made myself an appointment for a much needed haircut and yesterday I went to see my lady at the salon. I took Megan along with me because I wanted to try to get her hair cut too, but I wasn't sure if she'd do it. She loves having her long hair, and everytime it needs a trim, I have to give her a 20 minute reassuring talk that we're not going to cut it all off to her shoulders, or make her bald! (She seriously asked me that one time...I have to wonder if it's because both her Daddy and Papa are bald on top and she's afraid it's because of haircuts!) So all the way to the Salon, she went back and forth...."Yes, I want to get my hair cut" and "Well, I don't know, maybe not". I told her she could watch me and decide later, or just let her Nana cut it like we usually do. We got there and she watched a couple of senior ladies getting their hair colored, and I think it may have made her a little nervous because after questioning what was happening to their head of hair, and Mom explaining it, she quickly pointed out that she didn't want any color in her hair, she liked it just fine like it is! Finally it was my turn...I went back to the shampoo station, and she watched intently....and was intrigued. I think ultimatly, she decided to get her hair cut so she could have them wash it! While I was in the midst of my hair cut, she decided YES! So Mrs. Rachel told her she could go back there and get washed, and with a big grin and a little pep in her step off she went! I couldn't get any pics of that, but I did get shots of her getting her hair cut. She loved the attention and the pampering! And, after it was all said and done, she loved her haircut. We didn't cut it short, it's still long enough for a ponytail, but short enough that it doesn't land in her food while eating a meal! (phew! big source of frustration for MOM!) When we got home, Daddy took a pic of both of us girls and our new haircut! She looks so big now! She grew up with just a couple of inches of hair being removed! Yesterday, she was this little baby girl, and today....SHE LOOKS LIKE THE FIRST GRADER SHE IS!

Tuesday, August 07, 2007


This past weekend was the "TAX FREE HOLIDAY" here in Alabama, which means, anything related to school supplies (i.e. pens, crayons, notebooks, paper, and even clothes), were relieved of tax. It's a good opportunity to stock up on some of these items and save a little money. I had not yet bought Megan's school supplies, and was planning to so anyway when I found out it was the tax free holiday, so I was excited about it....that is, until I pulled into the TARGET parking lot! It was like Christmas time trying to find your way into the parking lot, much less finding a place to park. And if you think you are getting down any isle filled with lunchbox's, or other school needs, forget about it! ESPECIALLY if you have a shopping cart! I was alone with the kids, so I had to bully my way down the isle to get what I need. I wanted to buy Megan a "first day of school" outfit (mainly for pictures), but we were unsuccessful at Target. But, before we caved in, we did score an awesome HELLO KITTY lunch box and she found a back pack that she liked...can you guess what color it is??? YEP, PINK! That was really her only had to be pink. She didn't care if it had a character on it (like a Disney Princess, or Tinkerbell, etc) just had to be pink. We also found her folder that was on her list, and I thought she was going to bust the eardrums of everyone in Target when she saw was a "HIGHSCHOOL MUSICAL" folder and she is turning into every little starry eyed little girl with a crush on Zac Efron (aka Troy Bolton in the movie). Oh what fun I had with her this weekend picking out her school supplies. We (and when I say we, I mean ME) refused to go to WalMart in Trussville this weekend, because they are renovating the store, and there is only so much of that I can tolerate! So we made the long trek over to the WalMart in Gardendale just to be able to shop in a little more organization. We found her "first day of school" outfit there, but now I am worried that it may be a little too hot to wear. She wanted a pair of khaki pants (and when I say she, I mean MOM because they were on sale!), and she picked out a shirt (yes, SHE did) that is short sleeved, but it's made of that "thermal underwear" material, so I'm a little worried that it may not work. We still have tons of clothes to buy for school, because when kids grow so fast, they need an entire new wardrobe every year and every season! But I have to make sure she is with me to try it on and make sure she likes it! OH, YEAH! MY 6 YEAR OLD HAS AN OPINION ON CLOTHES NOW! Imagine that! We've definatly entered a new phase of life! haha! But, she'll still let me put hairbows in her hair! I know it's all over the day she puts a halt to that! I will have lost my "baby girl" at that point! haha! Hopefully she'll let Mom dress her a little bit longer.

So, here's to the start of's not even here yet (11 days and counting), and I'm already broke! Why does school supplies cost so much????????

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Graduating to the "BIG KIDS" at church

Well, next Sunday is the big promotion day at church. Megan will officially be a FIRST GRADER and move up to the "BIG KIDS"! I can not believe how fast time has gone by! It seems like I was just holding her in my arms for the first time, or the first day of preschool was here. I am so proud of her. She is turning into a beautiful, sweet, and smart young woman. I look forward to the day that she commits her life to Jesus and is ready to make it a public profession of her faith and love to God. This Sunday at church, all of the incoming first graders to the Children's ministry were presented new Bibles. They were encouraged to read their Bibles and learn everything they can. I am excited about this new phase of Megan's life. If the next 6 years of her life go by as quickly as the last 6, I will be on the brink of a new phase....TEENAGER! UGH! Let's not think about this. I am having a hard enough time dealing with her being in grade school! (tears are building!)
Well, before the keyboard get's soaked with my tears, I will leave you with a few pics we took yesterday. As you can see from the slide show...we are very proud parents!!!