OK, I am not enjoying this season of American Idol very much. Granted it's not keeping me from tuning in on TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, AND THURSDAY nights!!! But I am quite dissappointed with the selection of singers this year. There are a few that stand out I guess, but to me, all the guys sound the same, and that is boring! The girls, well let's just say that I only remember one girls name, and I can already hear "THE NEXT AMERICAN IDOL IS MELINDA DOOLITTLE"! I'm sorry, but the chick TOTALLY ROCKS, and she seems so genuine, and humble, and appreciative of everything about this experience. Yes, there are a few more gals that, as the "dawg" puts it, "Can really blow", but still, I'm slightly bored with the performances.
The results show is what I am most looking forward to....I mean, what is it going to take to get SANJAYA to go home!?!?!?!?! He is horrible! I am sure that he is a totally nice guy, and that is exactly what he comes across as, but as Simon puts it (insert British voice here:) "This is a singing competition, and that was not good enough" Tonight, one of the better guys got sent home and there is a legion of wierdo Sanjaya fans out there doing a happy dance that he gets to make our ears bleed again next week. He was shocked to know he would be staying around again too...did you see how big his eyes got??? Well, he's my "casualty pick" for the guys next week, and the girl that's gotta go
home next week is Miss "I THINK I'M HOT" Antonella. Yeah, she is beautiful, but hear me again when I scream it with the Brit..THIS IS A SINGING COMPETITION! GO HOME! There is all kinds of controversy over this girl right now anyway because now that she is "famous" there are internet pictures that have surfaced where she posed nearly nude and provocatively. So why don't they knock her off the show like they did Frenchie a few years back???? Well, Frenchie didn't come clean about her photo shoot, and when it all came out and suprised the producers, they cut her. I'm sure every contestant since then has come clean about everything up front....to further prolong their chances of staying in the sp
otlight. Well, tonight's casualty was sad for me. No, Leslie was not the best singer in the competition, but she had talent, she was unique, and I loved her personality....So she did a weird "skat" thing in her song...it kinda worked for her...but I guess it didn't work enough, because tonight...she's packing her bags.

Oh well, at this point I'm ready to move on to the top 12 and get trucking to the finale....hopefully things will get a little more interesting soon. This could be another Season 3 for me, my least favorite. hmmmm, we'll see.
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