Monday, September 15, 2008

Quick Catch Up...

I'm finding it harder and harder to keep this blog current...but I won't stop trying. Here is a quick catch up in the world of "Barrett"

FIRST: We're all in the swing of things when it comes to school. Ryan is loving his teacher in 4K, and I think God has blessed me with a wonderful group of 3K students. I am really excited about teaching and also excited for what Ryan will be learning this year! I can't believe it, but he will be learning to blend consonants and vowels together and by the end of the year, he should be able to read! CAN THIS BE POSSIBLE? It seems just yesterday I was bringing him home from the hospital.....
Here are a few shots from the first week of school:

Beyond school, Megan started back to girl scouts this past week and there are lots of fun things planned...overnighter at the McWane center, flag ceremony at a local PTA meeting, Harvest Celebrations at Camp Coleman and many more!
My mom just got back from an over seas trip to PORTUGAL! Her boss invited her to go to a board of directors meeting for the company and she traveled by herself to Lisbon,Portugal as well as Paris! I am so proud of her because this was not easy for her as she has a fear of flying! She faced so many fears head on and is all the better for it! I picked her up from the airport last Monday afternoon and she was soooo glad to get home, as were we!
In a couple of weeks, I have my trip to Pensacola with the teachers from the school, and Jon is mulling over the idea of going camping the weekend I'm gone. I think that will be a great idea for them to have some fun while mom is away! I am very much looking forward to this trip...much more than I was last year. I have had a great time getting to know all the teachers, and the new ones at the school and there is a renewed sense of unity among us. I think this will be one of the best years at the school!
AND, we are still trying to sell our house! We really are anxious to do so but are aware that it's in God's hands. It seems every time I begin worrying about "progress", God sends me a sign that it's all in the works! Although no one is viewing our home in person, I have had two little signs in the last week that it's coming. We are going to keep following this path that the Lord has laid out for us, and be confident that he is working for our good! I'm excited about where our family will move, and what our home will look like, and where the kids will go to school, and who our neighbors will be and how we can be involved in our neighborhood and community. All of that is what we are looking forward to, but for now, we are going to remain planted where God has us and pray that we are blooming for his glory!
As you can imagine things are busy, busy, busy, and aren't' going to slow down! I will try to do a better job of blogging. I hope to do so, anyway.


Anonymous said...

Sooo glad to hear from you!! The pictures of Ryan were great! He's growing up toooo fast! Megan is changing too. her facial features are changing. I miss with all my heart seeing all of you on a regular basis (tears:( and wish we could spend more time together as a family. Please remember to let me know when the kids have open house at school or when there is something special they do that I can come to.
Love y'all!