Friday, February 01, 2008

Mommy Guilt....

When I took my job teaching preschool this year, my husband and I develoed a plan to deal with sick kids and who was going to handle them during the week. I only work on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so the thinking was (mainly on my part), that if they were sick one of the two days I have to work, Dad would be the one to take off and be caretaker. This was tested back in the fall once when Megan had the wretched stomach virus. Dad had to take care of her...unfortunatly, he took her to work with him on a job site, where she sat in his truck, watching movies on the laptop and, yes, vomiting periodically in his truck. Luckily, it didn't last all day and she got better quickly.
Once again, we tested the plan, yesterday. Ryan had been fighting a cold coming on. Two nights in a row, he woke up coughing. He was fine during the day, the problem was only at night. We talked about it Thursday morning, and decided that I would go ahead with the day as always, and if Ryan got any worse, Dad would come to school and pick him up.
School starts at 8:30am
Warn teacher of potential sick child..."bring him to my classroom if he gets worse".
Teacher brings Ryan to my class at 9:30.
He is fever free at this point, but has the chills BAD!
I call dad, and he's on his way to pick him up.
Call the doctor's office, and make an appt. DAD is taking him.
That just about killed me.
DAD...NOT MOM is taking my so sick baby boy to the doctor. That's the first time in 7 years that I haven't taken care of my kid when they were sick. Mommy guilt hit me hard.
Almost as hard as why hit Ryan to make him sick...THE FLU!
OH MY GOLLY! Now not only can I not take my sick baby boy to the doc, but he has THE FLU!
Dad did a great job getting all the info to the doc (via my note that I sent with him, haha). We have the TAMIFLU medicine, so hopefully we'll see a turn around in him within a day or so. But please stop and say a prayer for my sweet boy to feel better. If we could just get the fever down, it' would be alot of progess! Right now, he's resting and watching his 4th movie of the day...I'm thinking we're headed through our entire movie library by the time we kick this thing.


Anonymous said...

I hope he is better! That stuff is awful stuff!!