Monday, February 25, 2008


Today is an exciting day in our house!
It's hard to believe that I've been blessed with being the mother of a little girl for 7 YEARS now! It's exciting, and kinda sad at the same time...she's growing up so fast!
She was so excited to go to school today because she wanted her class to sing HAPPY BIRTHDAY to her! Plus, she said Mrs. Jordan was going to give her birthday spankings! haha.
Tonight we will celebrate by going out to eat, and giving her a few presents. We haven't had time to plan her birthday party, which really has her irritated...but it's because of HER busy schedule with all the girlscout cookie booth's she's had to work! But, I'm working on that this week, so we'll see.

Anyhoo...I'll blog later with a few pics, and I am sure a few stories of her birthday...
stay tuned.

Friday, February 22, 2008


I don't know about ya'll, but this is the absolute WORST flu season I have ever seen! And it seems to be getting worse every year! After 10 years of working in pediatrics, I've never heard of so many cases...and the reason being, there are multiple strands of the flu virus going around, and unfortunately, the shot only covers one strand! I took Ryan to the doc the other day, and we are on yet another round of antibiotics to get rid of left over sinus stuff that he had from what the doc called a "flu like virus" over the weekend. So, multiple strands of flu, AND a flu like virus....where you run fever, and have aches similar to the flu, but it's not technically the flu! MY GOLLY! We've had it all...but alas, Amoxicillin gets us better. He was able to go to school yesterday for the first time all week, and now I feel like we're bathing in the GERMX any chance we get! I'm sure part of our problem is that with Ryan being in school more days this year, Megan being in longer days this year, and ME working with preschoolers who are sneezing and coughing and sharing germs left and right...we're destined to be sick!
But, as it sits, at 6:14pm on Friday, Feb 22...WE ARE WELL!
And we need to be...Megan's working a cookie booth at Walmart in Trussville come see us and get your cookie fix.
Monday is her birthday, and while we don't have an actual PARTY planned yet, it's in the works, and we're planning on celebrating in small ways with just the 4 of us.
Hope ya'll have a great weekend...and remember to say a prayer for Big Daddy (Norman-Jonathan's step dad). He's in the hospital for heart problems, and from what I hear now, has pneumonia...he needs a little extra prayer lifting right now!

Thursday, February 21, 2008


This past Monday was the annual Daddy/Daughter date night at our church and the theme was a 50's Sock Hop...Megan has been looking forward to this since last year when she went on her first date night. It's definitely a highlight in our home. I spent over a week preparing...I borrowed a poodle skirt from a friend, went to a not so great section of town to buy her saddle shoes, ran all over town looking for scarves, and decorations to put on a table I was asked to be in charge of. All Jonathan had to do was come home, get dressed, and go dancing! And they had a blast! The best part was, this year, Uncle Jason brought Gracie, and Uncle Steve brought Haley who were all sitting at the table I decorated. The girls looked so cute, and every had a great time...even Jason, who ditched Gracie momentarily so that he could do the Electric Slide with some of the other adults. The weird part was, they danced to "Ride Sally Ride"...not exactly a song I would think to do that dance to, but WHATEVER! Here is a slide show...

Monday, February 18, 2008


Don't you just HATE being the target of a prank? But isn't it fun to laugh at one, or actually pull one off yourself? I think the video clip below is probably one of the best pranks (also knows as "punked"). There have been many good ones, especially with the popular tv show "PUNK'D" several years back by actor Ashton Kutcher...but this is the most recent and quite funny...enjoy a laugh, courtesy of the Major League Baseball Team, the Phillidelphia Phillies. (PS, I'm no baseball fan, and I would have had no clue...good one!)

Saturday, February 16, 2008


Now, after a short nap this afternoon, the cough and fever are back!
What is up????


Ok, Ryan woke up at 5am this morning, I took his temp and it had come down to 100.9. We went to the couch to watch tv and rest some more, and I had every intention of waking up and calling the doc at 7:30 am when they opened, only there was good news coming my way! RYAN'S TEMP IS GONE! Yay! He's feeling better, and is running around the house with more energy than I can tolerate right now. The bad I have the sinus junk and scratchy throat, and Jonathan does too...I don't know whats worse, the kids being sick, or the parents. OH WELL! A mother can't officially be sick! We have to muster up whatever strength we can, and march through the day, preparing breakfast, lunch and dinner for the kids, and referring arguments in between....oh what a wonderful Saturday this is turning out to be....
To make matters worse, there is ANOTHER cookie booth we have to work at the Walgreens in Centerpoint tomorrow (SUNDAY Feb 17) from 12-2pm. And to add another slam to that...there is supposed to be severe storms all day Sunday...sooooooo we'll see what happens! But if it's not raining, and you haven't already gotten your fix of DO SI DO'S, THIN MINTS, TAGALONGS, OR TREFOILS, make sure you come by and pick some up! The girls did a great job selling box's at last nights cookie booth! Say a prayer that the rain holds off...I don't want to reschedule a cookie booth! hahaha

Friday, February 15, 2008

Here we go again...

Today, we had a GirlScout event in which we were selling cookies at Lowe's...the cookie booth went really well...and I get the Mother of the Year award since I drug my sick son along. YES, you read correctly, Ryan is sick AGAIN. In my defense, I wasn't really sure that he was sick, even though he started coughing again this afternoon. But I woke him up from a nap, and he felt a little warm, but he was all snuggled up on the couch in a fleece blanket, so I just figured he got a little to hot during nap. Off we go to the cookie booth, but I still brought along my "medicine bag" just in case. (My medicine bag is a zip lock back with Tylenol, Motrin, and a cough medicine along with a measuring spoon...with as much sickness as we've had lately, I've learned to be prepared). Once we got there, Ryan just stayed in the van, and I helped man the cookie booth, all the while checking on him periodically. He ended up falling asleep again, and I went and checked his temp...YEP! 102.9! GREAT! I dosed him up with Tylenol, and down he went in the back seat for his nap again. He didn't move for over an hour! He finally got to go home with Daddy, and Megan and I stayed and finished up the selling of the cookies at our booth. Once home, he still has 102 if it's not down by tomorrow, I'm guessing there will be yet another trip to the doc! If he has the flu again, I'm gonna scream! UGH! But I hope they'll be able to give him the Tamiflu again...that worked great last time and he was better in 3 days! So say a prayer for my little man...

Monday, February 11, 2008


This weekend, the World Of Wheels show was in town...which means that there is entirely too much testosterone decended upon downtown Birmingham in one weekend....I can hear the grunting of "Tim the toolman Taylor" (actor Tim Allen), from the show "Home Improvement".

Jonathan decided to take Ryan to the show, if for no other reason, but to let him meet some of his favorite characters and hero's that were appearing-(and the fact that admission was free for children ages 5 and under.)

Ryan had a blast! He saw his favorite race car legend, Mr. Lightning McQueen...but only from afar, as the line to see him was more than an hour long! So, Dad had to do the cheesy picture thing that we seemed to perfect a few years ago while visiting DisneyWorld..."stand child in front of camera with thus said superhero in the background and PRETEND you actually got close enough to see him!"
(Ryan and his best bud Jaggerd had a blast at the show)

But the highlight of the day has to be his encounter with the origional WEB MASTER...Spiderman! He loved meeting him, and even got his autograph. Jonathan said Ryan was having a hard time looking up for the camera to take a picture because he first had to make sure he had his "web fingers" right...It's just too cute! Jon did great, taking a picture, and even managing to get video of the whole experience!

The last person they really wanted to see was Jason Earls, who plays "Jackson" on the popular Disney show, Hannah Montana. Unfortunately, there was a 2hour wait to get up to see him, and that just wasn't going to, once again, Jonathan just took pics of him from afar.

It was a great day...but not because he met Spiderman, or saw the Lightning McQueen car, or came close to meeting Jackson...What really matters isn't that Ryan went to THE BOY'S SHOW (which is what he called it. All he knew is that there were no girls on this day, just him and Dad.) What is more important is that Ryan got to spend some quality, one on one time with Dad...and with all those hero's surrounding him...the best hero was DAD!

Yep, they saved a lot of money on car insurance by switching to Geico...

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Isn't that just like God?!?!?!?!

If you read my post from yesterday, you know that I struggle with my grandparents belief of issue of whether or not you go to heaven immediatly when you die. I gave my spin on things, and tried to provide scripture to back up my basis for believing that you do indeed go to heaven (ONLY if you are a repented, born again, believer in Jesus Christ who is the ONLY one that provides a way to heaven), immediately after death.
Well, today, I feel as though God was speaking to me directly. My pastor, Ryan Whitley, of CrossPoint Church, is doing an entire sermon series on the Glory of God. He is planning on taking the entire year of 2008 to lead us, and to delve into the Glory of God, and as Pastor Whitley puts it, even then, it wouldn't be enough time! Anyway, today's scripture reference, and subject matter revolved around the crucifixion of Jesus, and the two thieves on the cross. (Luke 23:32-38). Our topic revolved around the glory of God being revealed on the cross, but God also used those passages to reveal to me, what I'd been focusing on in the last few days while remembering my Nanny's death. It's found in verse 42 and 43 of Luke 23 when the thief on the cross was pleading to Jesus...
"And he said, 'Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom'(v 42)
"And He said to him, 'Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.' " (v. 43)
First wasn't a matter of "IF you come into your kingdom", it was WHEN! As my pastor stated, that is one of the greatest statements of faith! He wasn't just going out on a limb that it would happen, he believed it! The crimminal knew that Jesus was on his way to Heaven!
Second point...Jesus told the thief it would be so! v. 43 clearly states the words of Jesus as TRULY I say to you TODAY you will be with me in Paradise....Jesus gave that thief assurance of his salvation on the cross!
There was one more point from Pastor Whitley that I found especially interesting. He addressed the name of Paradise. I've always been curious to whether or not "Paradise" is the same thing as Heaven, or if it preceeded heaven...thus my struggle behind my grandparents belief of noone going to heaven until the day of judgement. Pastor Whitley pointed out that Heaven isn't really Heaven, unless GOD is there! Take these two scriptures and ponder them...
Genesis 2:8-9 "And the Lord God planted a garden in Eden, in the east, and there he put the man whom he had formed. (9)The tree of life was in the midst of the garden..."
And after the fall of man, God drove Adam and Eve out of the garden...the beginning of time began with God in paradise-a garden-with the tree of life...(hold that thought, I'm coming back)
and the end of time will END with God in paradise-a heavenly garden-with the tree of life...Revelation 2:7b, 22:1-2 "To the one who conquers I will grant t oeat of the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God...Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb, through the middle of the street of the city;also, on either side of the river, the tree of life..."
Whatever you may personally believe, I feel that God has shown me what I'd been believing all along to be true....To be absent from the body is to be present with The Lord....and to be present with the Lord is to be in HEAVEN or PARADISE!

Saturday, February 09, 2008

It's been a year...

This week I have been thinking of my Nanny alot. It's been a year ago this past Thursday that she went home to be with the Lord...well, at least that is what I believe. My Nanny had different beliefs than I far as the timing of when you go to heaven. I believe in 2Corinthians 5:1-9 when it talks about being absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. After all, Jesus himself told the thief on the the cross next to His that "...Today you will be with me in Paradise". My grandparents, being members and believers of the Seventh Day Adventist Church, believed that "The Dead are but asleep" based on the 1Thessalonians chapter 4.

Whatever the case, I know this is true...I miss my grandparents...but we will be reunited in Heaven one day. I know they were believers in Christ, as am I...

I can't wait to see them again, and to hear that wonderful laughter my Nanny was so affectionatly known for. I don't think it really occurred to me until after her death, but whenever I think of my Nanny, I see a big smile on her face, and even now, I can still hear the sound of her laugh in my head. What a blessing to remember that!

Praise you Jesus for blessing me with such a wonderful woman to be my grandmother, and an outstanding man to be my grandfather. I can only hope that one day I will be as influential in my grandchildrens lives, as they were in mine.

They loved this old porch swing at their home. Many hours were spend just sitting, swinging and visiting with family, friends, neighbors...even waving at the cars that drove past. I like to imagine that they have a porch swing in heaven...


So the past week has delivered complete CHAOS to us. Last Thursday started the sickness...Ryan with the flu...then Megan with a fever virus on Sunday and Monday, then Jonathan with flu/sinus stuff Wednesday and Thursday, then Megan with a fever again Thursday night, so she didn't go to school on Friday! (Which she probably should have, because as it turned out-no more fever on Friday...she was FINE! She and her brother did nothing but fight all day!) So last night...Dad met this lady that he found out was selling PS2 games for really cheap, and he met her in the parking lot of a grocery store and "made the drop" as he would say. Ryan was ecstatic to find out one of the games was "CARS" with his favorite race car-Lightning McQueen. So...what did we spend our Friday night doing after a week filled with sickness and being cooped up in the house?????


And, yes...Ryan is there now...playing again.


If there is one thing most girls hate, it's being stuck watching BOYS play video games! It's very BORING! SOOOOOO,

Since I'm the Mom...I get to set some rules!

It's a sunny day...

I'm sending them outside to play on the trampoline!!!

Wednesday, February 06, 2008


Ok, all you who have kids, particularly girls, should be familiar with the popular Disney movies, "High School Musical"
High School Musicaland "High School Musical 2". high school musical 2
Well, in our house, it's a staple...we watch it all the time. Ryan even loves it...and he's 3 years old! His more favorite of the 2 movies is it's sequel, and every since last summer, he's been perfecting his impression of Troy Bolton (the lead character in the movie played by Zac Efron). Every now and then, I catch him running around singing parts of the movie, but his favorite is the song "Bet On It". Last week, this was the case, and he was good enough to do it again after I ran and got my here's my baby boy in his "acting debut".

Tuesday, February 05, 2008


Have you voted? If not, you still have a little more than an hour according to my clock. I'm not a super political person, but I do believe in the IMPORTANCE of voting...our military has fought for our right to do please voice your opinions in the voting booths.
Anyway...I just wanted to post this for everyone to read. I've read and heard this tons of times, but there is so much truth in it. I hope you enjoy...

by Maya Angelou
maya angelou
When I say... "I am a Christian", I'm not shouting "I'm clean livin.'"
I'm whispering "I was lost, Now I'm found and forgiven."
When I say... "I am a Christian", I don't speak of this with pride.
I'm confessing that I stumble and need Christ to be my guide.
When I say... "I am a Christian", I'm not trying to be strong.
I'm professing that I'm weak and need His strength to carry on.
When I say... "I am a Christian", I'm not bragging of success.
I'madmitting I have failed and need God to clean my mess.
When I say... "I am a Christian", I'm not claiming to be perfect,
My flaws are far too visible but, God believes I am worth it.
When I say... "I am a Christian", I still feel the sting of pain..
I havemy share of heartaches, so I call upon His name.
When I say... "I am a Christian", I'm not holier than thou,
I'm just a simple sinner Who received God's good grace, somehow!

Monday, February 04, 2008


So, I'm curious...
Do you CELEBRATE Valentine's day?
I know of couples who make a big deal of it, others who exchange small gifts, and others still who ignore the day all together. Jon and I are in between all of these scenarios...we've gone to a VDay dinner, exchanged small gifts, chocolates, and then done nothing at all. I suppose the more important thing is that you celebrate your love for each other every day, and not just ONE DAY OF THE YEAR! But as Feb 14th approaches, I'm curious to know how others celebrate, or if it's just mainly another commercialized holiday in hopes of selling cards, candies and trinkets....
valentines day

Sunday, February 03, 2008


The below slide show is of some pics Jonathan took Saturday. Anytime there is a trip needed to haul off trash to the dump, or to take items to be recycled, Megan and/or Ryan go with their Dad, and on the way back they stop at the Turkey Creek WaterFall, and then go get YooHoo's. It's a tradition that both of my kids LOVE! Such a small, seemingly insignificant thing...but it's time with Dad that they crave. Since Ryan was still recovering from the flu, Megan got her Daddy all to herself for a few hours, and Daddy made her feel like a SuperModel taking pictures of her around the falls. Here is a slide show....

Friday, February 01, 2008

Mommy Guilt....

When I took my job teaching preschool this year, my husband and I develoed a plan to deal with sick kids and who was going to handle them during the week. I only work on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so the thinking was (mainly on my part), that if they were sick one of the two days I have to work, Dad would be the one to take off and be caretaker. This was tested back in the fall once when Megan had the wretched stomach virus. Dad had to take care of her...unfortunatly, he took her to work with him on a job site, where she sat in his truck, watching movies on the laptop and, yes, vomiting periodically in his truck. Luckily, it didn't last all day and she got better quickly.
Once again, we tested the plan, yesterday. Ryan had been fighting a cold coming on. Two nights in a row, he woke up coughing. He was fine during the day, the problem was only at night. We talked about it Thursday morning, and decided that I would go ahead with the day as always, and if Ryan got any worse, Dad would come to school and pick him up.
School starts at 8:30am
Warn teacher of potential sick child..."bring him to my classroom if he gets worse".
Teacher brings Ryan to my class at 9:30.
He is fever free at this point, but has the chills BAD!
I call dad, and he's on his way to pick him up.
Call the doctor's office, and make an appt. DAD is taking him.
That just about killed me.
DAD...NOT MOM is taking my so sick baby boy to the doctor. That's the first time in 7 years that I haven't taken care of my kid when they were sick. Mommy guilt hit me hard.
Almost as hard as why hit Ryan to make him sick...THE FLU!
OH MY GOLLY! Now not only can I not take my sick baby boy to the doc, but he has THE FLU!
Dad did a great job getting all the info to the doc (via my note that I sent with him, haha). We have the TAMIFLU medicine, so hopefully we'll see a turn around in him within a day or so. But please stop and say a prayer for my sweet boy to feel better. If we could just get the fever down, it' would be alot of progess! Right now, he's resting and watching his 4th movie of the day...I'm thinking we're headed through our entire movie library by the time we kick this thing.