Sorry. I just had to document this.
I'm sitting at the computer doing my usual daily surfing of the net (and procrastinating with regards to ANY housework that I should be doing), when sweet, and semingly happy little girl bounces in the room and announces that she would like to help me by cleaning something. She then asks me if it's ok that she cleans the bathroom! I honestly didn't know what to say. I stammered around for a moment and probably gave her the biggest shocked look ever.
"Yes Ma'am, you absolutely may clean the bathroom"
I showed her where the clorox wipes were, and away she went. She was very proud of herself when she finished and couldn't wait for me to come view her work. So, I just had to document this remarkable event, because it couldn't possibly ever happen again!~!~!~!~!~!
All I can say is.... CONGRATULATIONS!....and enjoy it while it lasts!
Remember, one of these days her procrastination gene will rear it's ugly head just like it did in her Mom (your admission, not my accusation) and her Granny! I think the change will come when you start TELLING her to clean something instead of it being HER idea. By the way, when she gets through at your house, send her over to mine!!!!!
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