Friday, June 29, 2007


As so many of you who read this blog know by now, I am slowly venturing into the work force beginning this fall. I will be teaching a preschool class made up of precious 2 and 3 year olds at the same school my kids attend. This is a blessing from above, because I have long prayed about what to do once my children began going to school. Should I work? Should I continue to stay home full time? What would I fill my days with if I didn't work and they were at school all day? I must admit, I am totally in love with my job as a stay at home (but work your butt off) Mom. While it's a challenging job in many ways, its also the only thing I've ever wanted to do...have a family and fill my days taking care of them. I am so fortunate that the Lord has allowed me to stay home with our children and he has taken care of our many needs over the last 6 years despite our lack of income. A little more than a year ago, I made a request to the principle of the school, that I would be interested in teaching a class if there were ever to be an opening. While it didn't work out for last school year as I had hoped, I still made sure everyone knew of my interest, and I volunteered up at the school as room mom, sub teacher, office assistant...anything I could get into. I developed a good relationship with many of the teachers, and then finally one day, the principle called me into her office...but that was a good thing! (haha) Unbeknown to me at the time, I had several little "angels" cheering for me at the school in the form of those sweet new friends I had made. The teachers all kept dropping my name, and the principle prayed about it and VOILA! I have the job I'd prayed about!

So now....I have to get my classroom ready! I am planning on waiting until after next week or so to start inquiring about it, but I am ready to begin planning my days out, decorating the classroom, and just jump in! I think I will only have 8 students in class, but their day will include lunch time and nap since the class will be until 2pm those two days during the week.

I am already praying for my students, and for the roll I will have in their families lives this school year. Sometimes, it excites me when I think about the job I have, and many other times, it reminds me that it's a big job! It's more than just "babysitting" a kid for a few hours! I am investing into the lives of those kids, and their families when I teach the ABC's, the Bible verses, the songs, etc. This class is laying a foundation for all of their learning abilities, and if I can make this fun for them, then hopefully the will carry it with them and always love learning!

This is exactly what happened for my sweet precious baby girl, and I see it happening with my darling son too. There was never a doubt in all the times I left my kids at school that they would be loved. I believe those teachers were hand picked by God for my children, and I am ever so grateful that He chose the ladies He did! I just pray that the same will be for the children I teach this fall!

Well, that's all for now! That seems to be on my mind a lot lately, as the first month of our summer vacation is over, and we are itching ever so closer to the school bell ringing again!


Anonymous said...

You will be a great teacher. I'm going to come up to the school before it starts and look at your classroom. I want to see what you do with it. I think my kids go back before yours so maybe I can come then!