Friday, September 28, 2007


I know I haven't written much of anything on this blog lately...but even having a "2 day a week job" (yeah, right!), has had me busier than I ever dreamed! I only thought that I'd work on Tuesdays and Thursdays, & have the other 3 days to get stuff done in between our crazy hectic weekends.


I'm sorry, that's me laughing at the fact that I can't tell a weekday from a weekend anymore! Who knew it was going to be THIS crazy? (and if you did know, why didn't you tell me????)

Anyway...I digress...

We have survived the first month of school! YIPPEEE! Megan is doing very well in school and has latched onto reading so well that we've begun the "Junie B. Jones" books here at home. We read one chapter every night, and she is loving it! She has to read and log 20 books a month in order to earn a "free personal pan pizza" coupon from her teacher. When she brought that coupon home last week, it was if she'd won the lottery! She is so proud of herself. She has struggled a bit in math, but starting to grasp it a bit better...that reminds me, would you mind praying for her? She needs to be a strong math student, because I'm not going to be able to help her after it get's past "fractions" a few years from now! I, uh...I mean SHE can use all the prayers she can get!

Ryan is loving being in Mrs. Hunt's K3 class. He comes home sounding just like his teacher! We all know the rules about coloring with crayons now, because Ryan tells us all the time "Mrs. Hunt say 'NO SCRIBBLE-SCRABBLE' ", and then he precedes to tell us which of his class friends scribble scabbles and which of them "go back and forth" like Mrs. Hunt says. He also enunciates the "Pledge of Allegience" just like his's so cute to hear him say "with liverty, and justice fo awwwlll."

And as for my class...well, my goal was to make those kids LOVE ME! Because if they love me, they'll trust me. If they trust me, they'll leave the tears at home. I started off the year with only 2 of the 8 students crying every morning. Then I moved up to 3 of the 8 when one of them realized the other two got alot more attention when they cried,and Mrs. Barrett was giving away lots and lots of hugs, and lap time! With all those tears come runny noses, and with all the runny noses comes illness....for me! Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketBy the end of the first week of school, I was sick with Mychoplasma (bacterial pneumonia), Megan had bronchitis, and Ryan had a terrible sinus infection moving into bronchitis by the time we went to the doctor. Praise the Lord for credit cards, because it's not every day you have $230 in cold cash lying around to pay for prescriptions!!!!!!! By the second week of school, I lost one student to another classroom because his mom thought that going 3 days until 12 might be a little easier on him, and now I'm down to 7 kids (so if you know a 2 year old who will be 3yrs by March, sign 'em up! I have an opening!). I really am enjoying my little angels though. It has taken the entire 4 weeks of school, but yesterday we completed the day with NO TEARS! I'm singing praises with the angels in heaven! My little criers TRUST ME! THEY LOVE ME! THEY LIKE SCHOOL NOW!


Now, maybe I can actually get to teaching them something! I feel as though I haven't been able to get through to them these last few weeks, because having one (or more) of your friends cry while you're trying to learn the days of the week song, sing about the ABC's, and learn your shapes and colors, is very distracting! So, I'm planning to do LOTS of review. I want them to learn, otherwise, what are their parents paying for???

But alas, just as we start getting used to school, we're going to have some down time. This next week, the entire school goes to the pumpkin patch.

It's a family field trip, where I will have no responsibilities to my students other than greeting them at the beginning of the day and then they go off with their parents to find a pumpkin in the patch. (I'll have my own little BIOLOGICAL rug rats to tend to!)

Then, next Friday, I am taking my first "going out of town for work" trip! Yep...I'm leaving the hubby and kids from Friday until Tuesday,and headed to Pensacola!!!! Every year the teachers go down for a weekend of relaxation on the beach, and attend clinics at the Pensacola Christian College where we will learn and observe the teachers at the school responsible for the ABeka curriculum so many private christian schools use. I hear it's a fun time, and all the teachers seem to look forward to it every year. The whole school closes down on Monday and Tuesday, and it's all about the teachers! Wow! I'm excited, but man is that "mommy guilt" starting to sink in. Much the same as it did when I went on my "Beach Babes BASH" last May. But hubby has been great...he's wants me to go. For a couple of reasons, that I can get to know everyone at the school and be a "team player", two, so that by being a team player, I can possibly have a job there next year! hahaha! (It's all about the money...huh, dear? WHICH BY THE WAY...I GET A PAYCHECK! I was so shocked! I didn't expect to make ANYTHING after they took out my money for tuition,Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket so AGAIN, I'M SINGING PRAISES TO GOD! Now, we might have a good Christmas around here and not have to stress out about paying the "Christmas Card" off in January! haha)

So, with all the crazyness of teaching Pre 3K's 2 days a week, working some on Wednesdays to prepare, organizing crafts/bulletin boards, etc, and re-learning how to be a working mom AND a stay at home mom, AND be on the newly developed drama team at church which meets every Tuesday, AND try to continue my current leadership roles at church (which I'm failing miserably!), AND try to get started back in church on Wednesday nights so my kids can be apart of Mission Friends and GA's, AND make the grocery store runs, AND still have time for homemade dinners (haha, yeah, right), a clean house( BWAHAHAH,Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket I'm sorry, I tried to make that sound like I have put forth an effort), AND attend every birthday party/girls nite out/date with husband/family fun day/etc that we have always done, NEEDLESS TO SAY, I'M QUITE OVERWHELMED. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

One of the staff ministers at church called me this week to check on me, because he'd not seen me (or had me fill his email box full) in quite a few weeks/months. It was nice to know I was missed, and even more...he prayed for me while we were on the phone!Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket I so needed that! I'm finding my way...the hardest part is keeping it all together sometimes. I really want to start reading my book "Passion On Purpose-Discovering and Pursuing a Life That Matters"...but I've had a hard time focusing late at night, and I usually end up falling asleep and not reading past the first paragraph.

If I can just get everything organized....

If I could just find more time...

If I could just be more energetic...

If I could just put for a little more effort...

IF I......

IF I ..........

IF I....................

But..HE CAN.



I just gotta learn to get outta the way.

So, there's how life in the Barrett family has been...or at least my perspective. I'm sure eachof my kids, and dear hubby would have plenty to say...but they'd have to get their own blog!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Food for thought....

The "letter" below came in an email today, and it gave me chills. Beyond the chills, it got me thinking about how "busy" I am, and how I need to slow down and be ever mindful of the Lord, and his blessings. As a mother, I have the utmost responsibility to show my children how to live a life pleasing to God because if I don't, how will they be taught to do so? And of many hats I wear-mother, daughter, sister, friend, teacher, leader...the one I probably work on the least, is CHILD OF GOD!

It seems God is speaking to me lately about slowing down....looking for HIM.....coming to Him, and to stop thinking that because I am busy, I am productive, I am important, I am needed, and to stop thinking that being busy is a good thing. What good is being busy, if I'm not doing what God wants me to do? I'm starting a book called "Passion on Purpose" by Dr. Deborah Newman, and while I've only read a few pages, I am hooked! It's thought's relieving, it's insightful, and my heart feels raw from reading it. I'm sure I'll be writing more about it in the near future.

Now, onto the email I got today. It's called, "A Letter From Satan".


I saw you yesterday as you began your daily chores. You awoke without kneeling to pray. As a matter of fact, you didn't even bless your meals, or pray before going to bed last night.
You are so unthankful, I like that about you. I cannot tell you how glad I am that you have not changed your way of living,
Fool, you are mine.
Remember, you and I have been going steady for years, and I still
don't love you, yet. As a matter of fact, I hate you, because I hate God. He kicked me out of heaven, and I'm going to use you as long as possible to pay Him back. You see, fool, GOD LOVES YOU and HE has great plans in store for you. But you have yielded your life to me, and I'm going to make your life a living Hell. That way, we'll be together twice. This will really hurt God.
Thanks to you, I'm really showing Him who's boss in your life with all of the good times we've had. We have been watching dirty movies, cursing people out, stealing, lying, being hypocritical, fornicating, overeating, telling dirty jokes, gossiping, being judgmental, back stabbing people, disrespecting adults, and those in leadership positions. No respect for the Church, bad attitudes. SURELY you don't want to give all this up. Come on, Fool, let's burn together forever. I've got some hot plans for us.
This is just a letter of appreciation from me to you. I'd like to say "THANKS" for letting me use you for most of your foolish life. You are so gullible, I laugh at you. When you are tempted to sin, You give in.
HA HA HA, you make me sick. Sin is beginning to take its toll on your life. You look 20 years older, and now, I need new blood. So go ahead and teach some children how to sin. All you have to do is smoke, get drunk or drink while under-aged, cheat, gamble, gossip, fornicate, and live being as selfish as possible.
Do all of this in the presence of children and they will do it too.
Kids are like that. Well, fool, I have to let you go for now. I'll be back in a couple of seconds to tempt you again. If you were smart, you would run somewhere, confess your sins, And live for God with what little bit of life that you have left. It's not my nature to warn anyone, but to be your age and still sinning, it's becoming a bit ridiculous. Don't get me wrong, I still hate you.


Saturday, September 01, 2007


Here are a few videos I was finally able to load up to You Tube of Dad and I riding in the Razor today. They were both shot with the camera on Jonathan's cell phone, so the quality isn't the best. The first video is Dad getting us stuck on a log on one of the trails...(see, I wasn't the only one!). The second is us hitting a small dirt ramp and trying to get a little air beneath us...and DAD gets the car up on the side two wheels! Both video's feature screams, ala JENNY!



Today, I did something new! Jonathan likes going to ride trails with my dad in the 4 wheelers, and I've never been a big fan of the idea. A little over a month ago, my dad made a new purchase that was a little more appealing to me...he bought a Polaris Ranger Razor which allows seating for two, 4WD, and my favorite part - THE GRAB BAR!!!! (aka, the OH CRAP bar). Me being the girly girl that I am, I really had no interest in going and getting all muddy and dirty...but since both my husband and my dad asked me to go, I decided, "WHY NOT?". After all, mud is not anything I can't wash off!
The day began at a very early 5:30 AM! We checked out the weather forecast since we realized it had been raining all night long. "GREAT! IT'S GOING TO BE MUDDY!" is all I could think of. At least I'll be riding with Dad, which means he'll take it easier on me than anyone else would! The forecast said the rain was over and it was to be a sunny, there was no turning back! We had to get Ryan up and take him over to Nana's house (Megan was already there having a "sleep over party" with her cousins...Ryan didn't want to stay). We got there a little after 6 AM and Jonathan and Dad began loading the vehicles. We had about a 30-40 minute drive to the trails, so by the time we got there, the sun was out in full force, and I was hoping it was drying up all the muddy trails! (haha). We arrived around 8am and hit the trails full speed. It didn't take me long to learn my first lesson! "DON'T SMILE!" Well, that is, unless you want dirt all in your teeth! All day long, I kept my mouth shut! I know, I know, THERE'S A FIRST TIME FOR EVERYTHING! haha! First, they took me to the top of the mountain where there was a beautiful rocky overlook! I had no idea it would be so neat! We brought the camera along and took a few pics of us climbing all over the rocks. I was reminded just how out of shape I am whenever I had to climb and maneuver through tight crevices just to make it to the top. But it was fun to do! We rode just about every trail we could find, and I was happy just riding along as passenger. But after one small break, Dad told me to drive and he got in the passenger side. I was nervous, but he tried to assure me that it was easy, and we were just riding down even trails. Yeah, right. It was even at first, until he directed me onto the "paths less traveled" because the trails we were on began getting harder with deep ravine's in the dirt. So, through the brush, the sticker bushes, up rocks, (or small boulders if you ask me!), downed tree limbs, and through COUNTLESS spider webs (eww!), we rode...all with me at the wheel! It was all fine as we were going down hill...but when we hit a dead end, I quickly realized that there was no way out and we were going to have to retrace our steps back up those tight spots on rocky hills! Dad gives me direction, we switch the Razor into low gear, 4wd, and started up the hill. The tight path was divided with a small tree, with the path on the left hosting a large rocky deterrent, and the path on the right with deep ravines in the dirt. Dad directs me to the right thinking (or hoping) it would be easier to get up. I was doing OK going up the steep hill, until the rear wheels slipped down into the ravine, and the jolt knocked my hands off the steering wheel, taking the front wheels of the car spinning into the air...TOWARD A SMALL BUT VERY "THERE" TREE!. I'm amazed at the calm voice I hear coming out of my dad sitting next to me. "It's OK, just hit the brake", he says. "What? You're not freaking out? 'cause I sure am!" I'm thinking? I hit the brakes, and we slide down the crevice slightly until we rest on the incline. Dad gets out to assess my predicament and I began begging him to let me out and HE can fix this mess of mine! And being the experienced driver he is...he got the vehicle out of trouble with ease. I was pretty much done driving at that point, and was ready to go back to being a passenger...after all, it seemed much safer for everyone!
The rain left plenty of muddy puddles, and slimy muddy roads for us to ride on, but Dad did a great job keeping me clean for the most part. I did get a little wet, but not too bad, and I ended up having a great time. We packed up and headed home around 1pm, and got the kids from Nana. THANKS TO NANA FOR KEEPING THE KIDS SO I COULD GO RIDING TODAY! When they get a little older (like, 10 or 12 years old) they'll have a great time going on the trails. A little bit young right now, but it's definitely something they're going to want to do. The minute we got home, they were both yelling "I WANT TO RIDE THE 4 WHEELER!" After a quick ride around the yard, we were loading up to go home where we all 4 laid down and took a 2 hour nap!
Having that much fun, wears us all out! Here are a few pics from the day. I didn't get any shots of the Razor being stuck from my little drive, but it would've been hard to get to the camera from the angle that I had left it in! Enjoy the pics